~ The War ~

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AN: homies, EXO won't really appear much after this vaca, but I will just say they are here in this chapter a lot eSPECIALLY IN THE SECOND PART CUZ KAISOO ARE SOFT WITH THE CHILDREN-

"Get down!" Jaemin heard the shout ring clearly in the forest and he did as told, ducking himself behind one of the trees and holding his guard, his back pressed against the bark and gun to his chest. He peaked around the tree to watch what was taking place in the clearing he had just ducked out of.

Lucas had tripped over one of the vines, his gun a little ways away from him, and Johnny was standing over him, pointing the muzzle of his weapon to the youngers head. When Lucas got close to retrieving his gun, Johnny just kicked it away and heartlessly laughed at the trembling man beneath him.

"P-please, Johnny, don't do this, I have a husband, a future kid even! Th-they need me!" Johnny chuckled darkly at the man's pleas and shook his head slowly.

"On the battlefield, Yukhei, there's no mercy." Jaemin felt shocked hearing Johnny say the last of the sentence in Cantonese as if to taunt the boy below him even further, and Lucas seemed just as surprised, but before either of them got a chance to say another word, the sound of a gunshot was heard.

But it wasn't towards Lucas.

Johnny fell to the ground, red painting his chest as he clutched at his heart where the shot had hit him he coughed a bit as the man who had fired strode into the clearing towards him, crouching to be next to him as he watched the man writhing on the ground.

"No mercy." The man said in English, scoffing. Johnny gasped for air, breathing out the name of the man who had shot him with pain in his tone.

"Ten?" The man laughed and nodded.

"I want you to remember this Johnny Seo." He said simply before standing up. He helped Lucas to his feet and the two ran out of the clearing. Jaemin waited until they were out of sight before he came out from his hiding place to go over to Johnny in a hurry.

"Johnny! Come on man, don't die on me now," He pleaded, searching his various pockets and holders for some way to help the dying man before him.

"Don't- Don't let me down, Jaemin... Win the w-war," He coughed, reaching up a weak hand to hold Jaemin's shoulder. "Win for Jeno, and for your future kid..." Johnny said with a painful smile. He gasped, choked on his own breath, and finally went limp in Jaemin's arms.

"No! Johnny!" Jaemin cried, holding the limp man in his arms. He felt a presence in the clearing with him but he ignored it, putting his ear to the man's chest and listening for something, anything to signal that the man was okay-

After a moment, he stood up straight, holding his gun to his side.

"He's dead." He said, finally addressing the other presence in the clearing. He heard a deep hum and footsteps coming up to his side before a strong hand rested on his shoulder.

"He was a good man... One of my closest friends too." Jaemin nodded at Jaehyun's words, hearing the pain in his tone as he spoke. He shook his head. "We should split up, divide and conquer. Most of the EXO's are taken care of, it's just the remainder of my unit, 127, and whoever's left in your unit, dream, then most of unit WayV are left. We gotta start working together."

"PLEASE SPARE ME HYUNG!" They both shared a glance as they heard the shout from elsewhere in the forest, Jaehyun nodding to him and signaling for them to split and go in separate directions. Jaemin chose to go towards the cry, crouching low as he shuffled his way through the tropical underbrush. He eventually came to the top of a small ditch, where at the bottom two men stood. One of them was Jisung, who looked like he was struggling to climb out of the ditch, and the other was Taeil, his gun pointed confidently at the boy. Jaemin thought fast, grabbing one of the grenades off his vest.

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