🍰【f o r t y f o u r】🍰

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Jeno sat at the table quietly, kicking his legs back and forth as he slowly ate his slushy

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Jeno sat at the table quietly, kicking his legs back and forth as he slowly ate his slushy. He watched the wall intently as Jaemin walked around the kitchen, cleaning things up but still staying close by as the older spaced out. It was as if there was a certain radius around Jeno that he wasn't willing to leave.

There was.

He just wanted to stay nearby in case Jeno needed him, that's all..

At least, that's what he told himself.

Truly, he was terrified. He had no clue anymore who he could trust and considering how many people he had just found out were a part of that, there was still a chance for something to go wrong.

Yangyang had called shortly after they had gotten home and reported that Mark had been arrested, a couple of the employees were also facing charges but Lucas was among the lucky ones without any. Chenle had been rushed to the hospital and was in a stable condition but they were still clueless as to what happened. The boy hadn't woken up yet so they couldn't get any answers from him, and of course, none of the employees had admitted to being responsible. But currently, Jeno was just peacefully eating his slushy, his gaze distant as he tried to block out the memories from the recent events.

Jaemin sighed as he looked up from the pan he was washing, seeing that Jeno had once again spaced off, the drink in his hands slowly melting.

"Jen, your slushy is gonna turn to syrup if you just keep ignoring it like that," Jaemin said softly. Jeno blinked a couple of times and looked down at the drink. Carefully he tried to pick up the spoon that Jaemin had given him earlier, shaking as he lifted it to take a bite. Jaemin watched with pity, rinsing the soap from the pan and putting it on the drying mat before walking over to Jeno. He pulled out the chair beside the older and smiled softly.

"Do you want Nana to help?" He asked gently, taking Jeno's free hand in a comforting manner. The older nodded enthusiastically.

"Can Nana feed it to me..?" Jeno asked sweetly, his words delicate as they fell off his tongue. An adorable pout made its way onto his lips as he spoke, his dark eyes sad like a puppy. Jaemin chuckled, ruffling the older's hair.

"Of course Nono." He said softly. He was hesitant to use too many pet names, remembering the way Jeno had gotten scared last time. Mark must've used them a lot, and it made Jaemin sick to imagine that horrible man calling his Jeno those things.

He carefully spoon-fed Jeno the icy treat, the older giving a satisfied smile at the flavor. The first couple spoonfuls he was as expressive as normal, but then after a little bit, the blank look came back. It was like fear had mixed with a numbing sense of safety until Jeno was left to feel nothing- an empty void of strange loneliness filling him in the most empty way possible. An oxymoron, I know, but it's the only way that the feeling could be described. His eyes lost all look of life as he numbly ate the slushy, Jaemin whispering small words of praise as he ate.

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