🍰【f o r t y n i n e】🍰

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"Was it good baby?" Jaemin asked Jeno, who snuggled further into the younger's side, Bongsik at the end of the bed while Jeno clutched his bunny stuffie

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"Was it good baby?" Jaemin asked Jeno, who snuggled further into the younger's side, Bongsik at the end of the bed while Jeno clutched his bunny stuffie. He gave a nod. "That's good.. I'm glad you liked it." Jeno sighed softly, his eyes closed contently.

Jaemin knew about how certain things could trigger someone to fall into there headspace, so he figured that maybe the cake moments ago had triggered it for Jeno..

They laid silently like that, Jeno safely at Jaemin's side, the younger's heartbeat irregular as he marveled down at the eternally beautiful boy at his side. No matter how long they were together like this, the older's visuals never failed to amaze him. Everything about Jeno was pretty, he truly was just a beautiful person. His face, his body, his personality, the way his eyes sparkled when he was excited, the way they turned to crescents when he laughed, or how he talked so gently, breathing each word carefully. The soft clicking of his tongue when they would take tests at school, the way his cheeks would heat up a vibrant hue whenever Jaemin praised him for his good work.. Thinking about all of this triggered a flow of memories for Jaemin.

Jaemin had finished taking the test already, math being one of his best subjects, but the boy who sat beside him in a soft red hoodie, dark brown hair fluffy as always with his small mole that Jaemin wanted to kiss, was not finished yet. In fact, he was barely halfway through.

Jaemin tried so hard to focus on his book. He was behind on the reading and English was his next class after lunch, so he needed to catch up. But, he was much too distracted by the cute actions of the boy beside him.

Jeno gnawed gently on his pencil eraser as he read over the question again, and again. He still didn't understand when in his life he would need to know how to find the missing length of this stupid triangle..

Jaemin was completely pulled from his book when he heard a small sound of discomfort and confusion come from the older, a small noise that the author has trademarked as The Confused Jeno™, and watched Jeno smack his head down on the table. It earned a couple turning heads from other students but the teacher was out of the room, so Jaemin just shot them a glare and they all turned back to their tests. The younger sighed softly, reaching up his hand to gently put Jeno's hair, leaning up next to the older and putting an arm around the boy's shoulder.

"Jeno," he whispered. "just do your best, and I can teach you after school. Would that be okay?" He heard a small sniffle from the older and felt his chest tighten at the sound. "Aw please don't cry Jeno, its okay.." He whispered softly, voice only loud enough for the older to hear. The bell rang for lunch and the teacher came back in.

"You're all dismissed. Unfinished tests on my desk we'll finish them after break. Enjoy your spring break!" He shouted as all of the students began to file out of the room. The teacher sighed, noticing that Jeno and Jaemin hadn't moved. "Mr. Na, you can head to lunch. However, I want Lee to stay here." Jaemin felt Jeno shiver in his hold. Sighing he looked up at the teacher.

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