🍰【f o r t y e i g h t】🍰

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Jeno smiled, humming to himself as he sat on the bed, happily hugging his stuffed bunny close to his chest with his eyes closed

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Jeno smiled, humming to himself as he sat on the bed, happily hugging his stuffed bunny close to his chest with his eyes closed. Jaemin had to go out to get groceries so he was left alone in the apartment for a bit, just him and Bongsik, doors locked and stuffed animals lying about. He did have to admit he had made a bit of a mess in the room- not in that way you dirty fucker. As in he had scattered his stuffed animals all over the room. It made him feel safe for some reason, having all of his stuffed animals keeping watch around the space. He hugged the plush closer and opened his eyes, snuggling under the covers and peeking out from the top with wide eyes.

"Doyoung, we'll be okay, right?" He hid his face back under the covers and looked at the bunny. "Yeah.. Jaeminie will come back quickly and then we can cuddle, and watch TV, and-" he froze when he heard a crash in the kitchen, his blood running cold and his eyes widening. He drew in a shaky breath and held the stuffed toy closer, wishing to be anything but alone at that moment.

He should call Jaemin.

He should call Jaemin and then call the cops.

He nodded at the thought and with all the courage he could muster, he got out from under the covers and reached for his phone-

But it wasn't on the dresser.

He must've left it at the table after breakfast, or on the coffee table when him and Jaem were watching TV. He whimpered a bit and sunk back under the covers slowly, his breathing quickening as he curled into a tight ball and shut his eyes. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he listened very carefully for any other noises.

There were a couple. One sounded like someone rummaging around the kitchen drawers, a couple more crashing sounds like someone shoving everything off the counter. He shook his head and scooted further into the corner of the bed, as far from the door as he could get while still staying under the sheets.

Breathe Jeno, breathe...

He listened to himself, trying to relax. He took a couple of slow, deep breaths, slowly opening his eyes a bit and relaxing his body. He couldn't have all this stress, he couldn't be freaking out all the time. He needed to be strong.

For Jaemin, and Chenle, and-

Another crash.

This one was different, more like a bag of things being dropped on the floor and heavy steps towards the door. His eyes widened in fear, staring at the blanket he was under as he heard the door swing open.

"Jeno, baby, what happened?" The older sighed, relief washing over him at the sound of Jaemin's voice. He pulled the blankets off from over him and sat up, tears falling down his face as he reached out for the younger.

"J-Jaeminie.." He cried. The pink-haired boy rushed forward, sitting on the bed and taking Jeno into his hold.

"Jen I'm so sorry I left you alone.. Is everything alright? Are you Okay, did you get hurt?" Jeno shook his head.

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