"Years to come..."

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"Where exactly is it we're going?" Hermione asked

"The Malfoy Manor" Amelia spoke

Please don't be the garden.

The Malfoy Garden was a special place to Draco and I, thinking of him saying "I do" to anyone but me there, would break my heart.

"What time is it?" I asked as we gathered into the fireplace

Amelia glanced down to her watch.

"Now.." she gulped

"Malfoy manor" I immediately threw the floo powder to the ground

As soon as we made it, we listened for any sign of sounds or talking.

"I hear music" Hermione whispered

"Let's spread out"

I began walking towards the dining room, there were decorations hanging everywhere and the smell of food spread through the air.

I continued to walk towards the music...the piano was faintly playing. My heart beat was pounding louder and louder.

"Y/n?" I turned to see who caught me


"What are you doing here? Draco told Blaise and I you left for America this morning?" She hugged me

"Change of plans" i chuckled

"What are you doing here?" She laughed

"I love him, pans...so much. I messed everything up"

"I mean... I didn't want to say anything but.." she teased

"Oh Merlin" I groaned

"I'm kidding..now let's go save him before he does something he regrets" she laughed

"We can't find it" Amelia came in with Hermione

"I ran into Pansy, she'll take us"

We walked down the hall a little ways until we came to a set of huge golden doors. I placed my ear to the door as we listened.

"If anyone is opposed, speak now or forever hold your peace..."

"Go now" Pansy whispered

Before I could stop myself, I grabbed the handles and pulled the door open.

Hundreds of eyes glanced to me and gasps followed.

"Jones?" Draco dropped Riley's hands.

"Hi.." I chuckled nervously...still breathless at how many people were here.

"What the hell are you doing?" Riley spat

"Something I should've done a long time ago"

I was trying to push myself to say something else...anything else.

"Draco Malfoy, you are my one's promised."

The gasps shook the whole manor if I had to guess.

"I knew from the moment I met you...I was just too stubborn to see. When you know...you know, and I've always known. I almost boarded a plane and left you. I couldn't imagine living a life without you standing with me. I'm stupid for not realizing how much my life has meant with you in it. I don't know how you could love me after all I've put you through but I hope...I truly hope you do. I want to wake up every morning and help your mum make breakfast for our little family, I want to listen to your dad rant about his bad days at work even when I have no idea what he's taking about, and I want to know that you belong to me forever and no matter what happens I can hold your hand through it all...Because I love you Draco. More than potions class, more than the Hogwarts library, more than the astronomy tower's ledge, and more than rain....I love you."

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