*Draco's flashbacks 4*

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The next morning I woke up, got dressed, and met up with Blaise and Pansy to go eat. Once we got there The rest of our friends waved us over.

"So sneaking out late are we?" Blaise scoffed

"Who is the lucky girl malfoy?" Pansy winked

"Oh shut up you two" I chuckled

"We just wanna know who's getting the attention of Draco Malfoy these days" Pansy joked

I looked across the room to see y/n and one of the Weasley's talking...I'm guessing that ones Fred...they looked like they were arguing?

Pansy and Blaise looked into the direction I was to see who I was looking at

"Y/n Jones?" Pansy asked

I nodded

"Mate she's the hottest chick Gryffindor has to offer...nice choice" he fist pumped me

Pansy smacked him 

"She seems so sweet Draco, I'm happy for you" pansy placed her hand on mine

"Guys trust me it's nothing..."

"It's a new task" I whispered

Pansy and Blaise both had gotten their marks the day after me...recruits.

"We'll meet later and talk about the details"

They nodded and we continued to eat
We went through all of our classes that day, I was exhausted.

After I told Pansy and Blaise about my new task they had a lot of questions.

"Does she know it was your father?" Blaise asked

"I'm not sure, I mean why else would she hate me so much?"

Pansy crossed her arms and scoffed

"What?" I spat

"Nothing. I just wonder why you hate each other? It was both of your fathers that wanted revenge. Why can't you two just be civil?" She giggled

She was right, but it has to be this way.

"I would consider it...but now she's my assignment, one day he'll say the word and I'll...have to kill her" I gulped

Blaise looked to Pansy, she placed her hand on his and then placed another on mine.

"I know what we're all thinking, I'm scared too...we can always talk to each other okay?" She smiled softly

We nodded

Sometimes I did feel sorry for us, we're just kids...but we have to grow up one day.


After we broke up our conversation i looked at the time and realized how late it was

I left the common room and went to the library

Once I walked in, I didn't see her at first. I realized she was asleep on the couch. The fire had gone out

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