"So peaceful."

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9:00 am

I woke up and glanced around the room, it was weird staying here again, like a strangers house felt like home.

"Well looks who's awake" Elliot kissed my forehead

"Good morning" I yawned

"Good morning" he smiled

"You should start getting ready, you'll be late"

"I called off" he closed his eyes


"I called off for the next few days" he wrapped his arms around me as if he was going back to sleep

"Elliot I'll be fine, you need to work..what about money? I'll be off for awhile so we won't have any money to supply us"

"Don't worry, they are still paying me for my days off" he winked

"How....wonderful" I sighed

"I'm gonna go grab some coffee, do you want to join me?" he raised up


We walked downstairs and sat at the table while Dobby whipped up some coffee.

"Thank you dobby" I kissed his cheek

"You're welcome Misses y/n" he blushed

"Where's Draco?" I whispered to him

"Upstairs...Miss Riley will be joining us now" he whispered back

Riley was back? Why?

"Good morning to our delightful guests" Draco smirked busting through the door

"The usual master Draco?" Dobby asked

"Yessir" Draco sat down in the chair at the head of the table.

"Getting ready for work today I suppose?" Elliot scoffed

"I'm off until 'family issues' are resolved." Draco took a drink from his glass.

The tension thickened the air very quickly this morning.

"Babe?" Riley walked through the door

"Y/n...good to see you back" she smiled, I could see the hatred behind those paper white teeth.

"Riley, I didn't know you were back" I acted as if I was happy to see her

"My boy called me last night...he needed someone to be here with him" she bent down and kissed him, he hand skimmed down her back.

I wondered if Draco did this on purpose, just because Elliot was here. Or maybe he did need her to comfort him....

"How sweet" I glanced to Draco, who seemed unbothered at the fact we slept together yesterday and both of our significant others are here in the same room today....

"If you all will excuse me...I'm going to see how Severus is this morning" I stood from the table, glancing to Draco...hoping he'd follow and walked out

I walked up the stairs as Draco followed

"Maybe we should call this off..." I sighed

"I thought the same thing" he adjusted his watch

"Everything with Severus...it's just selfish and I think we should put him first."

"I agree he deserves all attention right now, and now that Elliot and Riley are here...we shouldn't throw away the lives we chose because a few unresolved feelings" he nodded

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