"Two can play at that game"

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"How's this?" I stood in front of the mirror

"Very cute!" hermione stood next to me observing

"Okay well I better go..." I laughed nervously

"I feel like I'm gonna be sick...mione" I stuttered

"It's okay silly, it's only Fred...you've known him for years" she grabbed my hands

"You got this" she hugged me

I let out a deep sigh and nodded

I walked out the door and made my way down to the common room


I sat on the couch and waited for a bit until Fred arrived


"Any minute" I whispered

My heart was beating faster by the second


"Maybe something came up and he'll be a few minutes late" I thought


I fell asleep and woke up in the cold common room...the fire was completely out and the room was dark

My heart sank, I grabbed my bag and went to my room.


Hermione had fallen asleep a little bit before I got there

I laid in my bed and stared at the ceiling while thoughts rush through my head. Maybe he forgot? Maybe he was just joking? Who am I kidding?

I'm so stupid.

I rolled over and felt my body drift to sleep


"Malfoy!" I jumped out of bed and ran to the library. Not that I care, i don't mind making him mad, He's probably gone anyway


I stepped into the library, it was dark and erie

"Malfoy?" I whispered

No answer


i heard water dripping from the window

"You're late" he spat

I looked to the corner of the room, there was a dim light coming from the small fireplace and a large chair facing it

"Well sorry...I told you I had plans" I scoffed

"You're lucky I waited" he muttered

"The luckiest" I said sarcastically

"Come sit" he pointed to the couch next to the large chair

I rolled my eyes and sat down

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