"Forever this time."

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Y/n's pov: The day before graduation

"I can't believe this is our last day..what if we never see each other after this" Hermione slipped her robe on

"Don't say that, of course we'll see each other Mione"

"Or What if Ron decides he'd rather split up now that I have to go back home...he hates the muggle world y/n" she laid back on her bed

"Mione, calm down" I laughed

"Ron would never abandon you like that"

"I know...it's just, all I've ever known has been Hogwarts. I don't know how to react now that it's over" she sighed

"I know what you mean." I chuckled buttoning up my shirt

"What's that?" Hermione was looking at my reflection in the mirror


"A scar?" She ran her finger over the scar on my clavicle.

"D.M? He's got you branded now?" She scoffed

"It's a long story" I turned away from her and continued to button my shirt

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize it-" she stopped herself

She knew about the sessions with Lucius and she knew they did it to protect me. It was just hard to forget everything.

"It's okay" I smiled softly and put on my robe

"How are things with Draco by the way?" She changed the subject...kind of

"It's complicated at the moment"

"Just tell him you love him already" she groaned

I rolled my eyes, if only it were that easy

"Come on y/n, you're telling me you guys have pretty much been in love with each other since first year and you still haven't had the guts to tell him?" She teased

"I know and I tried a few months ago; I don't know... he's been avoiding it"

"Maybe he's just scared"

"Of what exactly?"

"Commitment I'm sure" she laughed

She could be right, we haven't even talked about being an official couple...maybe he just assumes we're together?
"Good morning, love" Draco kissed my forehead.

I grabbed his hand and we walked to DADA.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" I asked

"Yeah...I guess. Are you?"

"Somewhat, Its absurd it's already over"

"It flew by, that's for sure" he laughed

He seemed a little off today, he acted sad. I knew graduation was getting the best of everyone. I've seen many people hugging and crying around the halls. It was a huge milestone for us.

"since it's our last night here...I have something planned for us tonight" he twirled me around as we stopped outside the classroom door

"Oooh something special?" I raised my eyebrows

"I guess you'll have to find out" he kissed my cheek and we walked in.
"Did he say what he had planned?" Hermione asked

"Not even a hint" I sighed laying back on the bed next to her

"Maybe he's finally going to admit his undying love for you" she teased

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