*Draco's Flashbacks 1*

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(I do not own this artwork..it is very beautiful and goes perfect with this chapter, the artist is: Avendell...check out her artwork on Pinterest, it's beautiful!!)

6 months earlier:

The only sound heard was the scratching our our silverware against the plates. Our dining room was filled with complete silence.

"How was everyone's day?" I asked to break the silence

"Great" Mum smiled

"Busy" my father responded

I nodded and continued to eat

"Tell him" my mum fumed

"Tell me what?" I stuttered

My father slung his fork down and took a deep breath

"You've been requested at the dark lord's meeting this evening, Draco" my father snarled

My heart sunk and I immediately shifted my eyes to my plate, I knew exactly what I was to be summoned for.

"Father, I can't-"

"It wasn't a question Son" he hissed

I nodded and continued to eat

My mother stood from the table and left without a word

After dinner I walked up to my room passing by my mother's, I could hear her desperate cries coming from the door hinges

"Lucius please...He's  just a boy" she wept

"I'm sorry Cissa...I have no choice" he trembled

I walked back to my room and shut the door, my heart felt like a brick in water.

I didn't want to become vile and ruthless, I watched how the darkness swallowed my father up in the last few years. The only reason he had gotten the mark was because the dark lord threatened to kill my mother and I, He chose to save us.

I know once the mark hits my skin...the line between good and bad would fade.

Hours passed as I stared blankly into the abyss

A knock on the door sent a jolt through my body.

"Are you ready son?" My father responded when I opened the door

I nodded

We walked downstairs and began to walk out the door

"Draco wait-" my mother ran towards me capturing me in a hug

My father walked out the door already while I stood hugging my mother, fighting back my tears and hers were released

We pulled away; I smiled faintly at her, kissed her cheek and left
We apparated to the Riddle manor

Walking in I was surprised to see how many people I knew. They all stopped and talked to me as the walked in

"Ahh Draco"

I turned to see my aunt Bellatrix

"Aunt Bella" I smiled softly

"You're going to be a great addition to us dear" she smirked pulling my into a hug

"Let's begin shall we?"

Everyone stopped immediately and faced the dark lord

"As you all know tonight is a very special night...we have a new recruit" he chuckled

Everyone cheered

"Bring him" he ordered

A few death eaters picked me up slinging me at his feet

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