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"How's it feel to be dead?" Draco cocked his eyebrows

"Quite nice...I don't feel like I'm in constant danger so that's a plus" I teased

We sat on his bed and talked all morning, he seemed a little on edge.

"What's the matter?" I asked

"What do you mean?" He placed his hand on mine

"You're acting different"

He sat for a second playing with my bracelet

"I have to leave for awhile" he finally admitted

There it was.

"For how long?" I choked

"I'm not sure yet." He said softly

I couldn't help but think about the dream I had, I didn't want him to leave...it felt as if something bad was on its way.

"Hey...don't worry...I'm sure it will be no longer than a week" he lifted my chin

"I'm not worried" I tried to cover up the fact my stomach was in knots

"I'm not stupid Jones"

"When do you leave?" I coughed


"Tonight?!" I stood from the bed

"And you wasn't going to tell me until when?" I spat

"I planned on telling you yesterday...but-"

"But what?"

He leaned forward on his elbows and breathed

"Exactly" I scoffed

"What do you expect me to say? I didn't tell you...I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do now" he stood up

"You are going out into danger, you can easily die at anytime! And yet you wait to tell me now that you're leaving tonight" I scoffed

"Are you really mad about this?" He joked

"Yes I am...I can lose you and you think this is a joke"

"I'm not gonna die jones...I've done this for years, why do you care now?" He shouted

"Because everything is different now Draco...you know that" i cried in anger

"Is it?" He scoffed

"You're joking right?"

"You act like we're dating...as if I need to tell you everything that happens" he laughed

What if I was wrong about him...he could easily be using me just to protect his family at this point, I wouldn't put it past him.

"No you're right...you're completely right, safe travels...see you when you return" I left slamming the door behind me

I sat in my room for the rest of the evening, I know Draco is suppose to leave at any moment...I just stared at the door hoping he'd walk through.

I seen a shadow appear under the door frame, it stood there for awhile. A small piece of parchment slid under the door and the shadow disappeared.

I got up from my bed and picked up the parchment and began to read:


Forget what I said...it's not what I meant. Of course everything is different now.

I'm sure you're asleep right now, I just didn't want to wake you. Knowing I'll be home and with you soon is the only thing that will keep me going these next few weeks.

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