*Draco's flashbacks pt 10*

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⚠️TW: abuse⚠️

I scooped up her body and apparated to the manor, mum met me at the door helping me get her into the house safely.

"Is she okay? You just knocked her out right?" Mum asked nervously

"Yes, she's fine...we don't have much longer until she wakes up"

"Okay lay her down in her room and wait"

I nodded, I began to walk up the stairs, each step was a step closer to danger for her...

"Pansy told me you were here with Jones, How is she mate?" Blaise apparated into the hall

"She'll be fine" I said firmly walking passed him

We both went into her room and waited for her to wake up. Blaise set in the large chair in the corner while I paced back and forth.

"Calm down mate" Blaise laughed

"I'm fine" I scoffed

"You're obviously not...if she wakes up and you're like this...you'll frighten the poor girl" he joked

"Why don't you go out and wait, When she wakes up I'll come get you"

"You've got to be joking" I rolled my eyes

"Go" Blaise demanded

I went to my room and waited, I guess Blaise was right...I am a little nervous for her to wake up. I know once she does, that's when everything starts...that's when i have to perform what I was requested to do.

Not too long after I came to my room my father called a meeting in our dining room.

It was just my mum, Blaise, and I

"Mrs Jones is awake...." my father announced to us.

"Draco you will need to go and get her for the first...session" he sighed

Sessions. Where she would be tortured to tell the truth, our plan was to use the first few nights of torture for legilimency purposes. After that we could tell her everything. I just knew how hard these next few days would be. The dark lord ordered me to complete the torture sessions. But why was it so hard? I had tortured and killed many people before. But when I walked into Hogwarts and seen her standing innocent and pure...I knew I'd never be able to lay a hand on her.

"After the sessions, you will use a sleeping potion that way she will be asleep for the healing process." He continued

"There will be no attachment to our prisoner, Are we clear?" He looked directly at me

I nodded along with mum and Blaise

"Very well, I will get the room ready for the session" he left

I walked up the stairs to her room, dreading each step once more.

When I stood in front of her door...I couldn't bring myself to open it.

I finally grabbed the knob and took a deep breath opening it slowly.

I scanned her body making sure she was still properly cared for. Her face was pale and her eyes were dark. It was so hard to fight the dark side as well...I wanted to destroy her sometimes:

"Look at what you got yourself into Jones" i smirked

She stayed silent

"All these years of running that pretty little mouth of yours.." my thumb swiped over her bottom lip

"And yet now, you've got nothing to say" i scoffed

"I have nothing to say to you!" She spat

"Play the part"

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