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The next morning

"Y/n!" Fred shouted down the hall

I turned around to greet him, he caught up throwing his arm around me.

"How's my girl today?" He smiled

"I'm doing okay" I chuckled softly

I can't seem to focus, Draco has my mind all over the place. I never know what kind of mood he's in...can I talk to him about what happened last night? Or will he be a complete jerk today?

"Well you look beautiful as always" he kissed my cheek

I knew he was lying, I hadn't gotten any sleep and the bags under my eyes were ginormous, I had finally got my sleeping schedule back on track and Draco threw a curve ball, like always. But Fred was sweet.... I'm not sure what Fred and I was...we were "fake" dating, which led to flirting...and now, I'm not sure what we are.

"Thank you" I grabbed his hand and smiled

"Here you are" he walked me to the door

"Can I take you out this weekend?" He asked

"I'd love that" I smiled

He leaned down and kissed me

When I walked into the he class I noticed Draco wasn't here yet.

I sat down and pulled out my notes, he was probably running late.

After class I wondered why Draco never showed up to class...that's unusual for him

I figured maybe he over slept or something, there's no point in worrying about him.

When I walked into potions...he was still gone

Somethings off.

The next few days were the same...I'd show up to class waiting for the tall blonde boy to walk through the door spitting insults at me left and right...but he never showed

I went to the library each night hoping he'd apparate by the fireplace and we'd set and talk.

He never showed.

A few more days passed

Two weeks.

A month.

No one acted like they even noticed...I did

I never thought I'd be looking for his annoying face in a crowd of students.

After weeks turned to months and the weather became colder, I quit looking...I quit caring.

That weekend when I went out with Fred, he asked if I would be his girlfriend...."officially"

We've spent everyday together, night and day...everywhere I went he was there. He's a really great guy, he deserves all the happiness in the world.

Ron and hermione finally made it official as well, we're still working on Ginny and Harry...we'll get there

The newspapers flooded with reports of muggleborns being murdered everyday, thousands. I couldn't even read the newspapers anymore.

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