s3 ; e17 - silverfinger

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beacon hills, california
trauma & emotions

━━━━━━ CHAPTER TWELVE   beacon hills, californiatrauma & emotions

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HER FOREHEAD WAS laying on the steering wheel of her black Impala. Tears falling down her cheeks as her shoulders shook violently. Sobs escaping her lips while the air around her seemed to thicken.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!"

She shouted while hitting the steering wheel with as much force as she had. Silently praying not to break it, even though she had more then enough money to change the steering wheel.

Her and her siblings had been in class all day, their teacher wanting them to draw their family on a piece of paper. Cassiopeia was always the least artistic one, her stick figures often looked somewhat crooked and of completely different shapes. Jacob was slightly better even though he could only draw cars, the family car to be more precise. And Safya was a complete artist. She would let her small pudgy fingers run freely on the paper and beautiful drawings would appear.

At the end of the day, their parents hadn't came and picked them up yet. So their teacher, Ms Jackie, offered to drive them home. At the time, they didn't know what a tragic faith they would find behind the doors of their home.

"Stop! Stop! Get the fuck out of my head", she shouted even louder while shaking violently. Her lips quivering in pain as she felt her heart break in millions of pieces.

He had been teaching her how to play chess, a game that challenged her both mentally and emotionally. She had to learn how to be patient, think about her every move before actually moving. Think about the consequences of her every actions. She should've paid more attention to what her grandfather was teaching her. Maybe then she'd have seen the white haired hunters walking behind him.

And maybe then she'd have been able to stop him from decapitating him in front of her eyes. Her screams being the last thing he would ever hear in this world.

Cassiopeia tightened her grip around her steering wheel, her knuckles turning white as she was still in Scott's drive way. Her brain pounding against her skull as a headache grew.

She watched their bodies fall to the ground, blood spreading under them as a gut ranching scream escaped her lips. Her lungs felt like fire and her throat burned. She saw their eyes, their eyes staring right at her until the last moment. Their bodies laid motionless on the cold cement floor. The two siblings laying on a pool of their own blood as arrows stuck out of their bodies. One in his chest, the other one in her head.

Her world stopped spinning, gravity seemed none existing around her. It seemed as if the world was closing on her, the air growing thicker as her lungs closed on themselves. She couldn't breath, she couldn't talk, she could just feel. Feel the emptiness that her siblings death left in her soul. Her heart being ripped out of her body just to be crushed into a million pieces.

"Stop. Please stop", her voice was barely above a whisper as she closed her eyes. Head thrown back as tears kept falling down her cheeks. She felt weak, hopeless and unworthy of everything she had right now. She was done. Done with everything. She couldn't bare the feeling of losing as many people as she did.

"Mom...dad...Saf...Jake...Pops- why'd you have to leave me? God! Why the fuck did you have to leave me! I can't do this without you guys...I can't-"

She said as her voice broke, the sadness in her voice being evident as she kept crying. She never felt so empty and numb of all emotions. She never took a moment to realize how truly fucking broken she was. How a few months wouldn't do anything to the years of trauma she suffered.

They were dead. All of them. There was not one left for her, no more family. Nothing. She was all alone in the world.

"I-.... I wish you were here to see who I've become. I wish you guys could meet my friends. Mom, you'd love Isaac. Dad, you'd absolutely adore Scott. Pops, I just know you'd be friends with Derek, you guys are so much alike it's scary. Jake, you'd like the twins though Ethan and Danny used to be a thing.... and Saf, you would like absolutely everyone... but we all know you had a soft spot for Stiles."

"I love you guys so much. "

The brunette stated while drying her tears and chuckling dryly. Her eyes were bloodshot as she stared at herself in the mirror of her Impala.

"God! Why am I crying? I'm suppose to be an Alpha for christ sake", the girl mumbled to herself before scoffing in disbelief. She pressed a hand on her head, massaging her temple as she tried to ease the throbbing headache. She was so sick of feeling.

ISAAC ANXIOUSLY RAN into his girlfriend's room, his hand rubbing through his hair as he listened to her breathing. Scott had called him as soon as she had left his house, told him what happened and how she spent three hours crying in his driveway. Scott told him what she had said in her car when she thought no one could hear her.

"Cas, love? Can I come in?"

He asked while slowly opening the wooden door, his breath hitched when he saw her twisting and turning in her bed. She growled in her sleep as her hands tightened around the sheets. "Cas?", he breathed out before jolting backwards when she woke up, roaring loudly as her eyes shone a bright red.

"Cas! Hey! I'm here", Isaac said while rushing to her side, holding her trembling figure tightly in his arms. The brunette snuck closer to his chest as he pressed a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm so fucking tired of everything"

She breathed out while holding onto him, her fist bawling his shirt as he held her tightly against him. "I know, Cas. I know"

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