Chapter 13

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Dixie's POV: let me catch you up on what happened these past few months. Noah and I shared our first I love you's and I did love him with my whole entire heart. He is just so sweet and such a romantic. I just feel bad that he isn't really friends with Josh, Jaden and Blake anymore because of me.

Noah tells me it's not but I still feel like it is. Anyways, Noah and I have gone on multiple dates and I even organized 1 of them. He seemed to like my cooking. We laugh together and just have fun. We are also completely honest with each other.

We even share some flirtatious comments and heated make-outs. If your wondering, no we haven't had sex yet. Notice how I said yet, I do believe that day will come. I'm nervous for that day but I think that it makes me feel a lot better since be both have never had sex yet. We almost act like we are dating, except Noah hasn't asked me out yet. He told me that he wants to wait for the right time. I'm here still waiting. He tells me he wants it to be perfect.

I have gotten closer with his sisters and parents, there really nice. Noah and I went on a carnival date, movie date, dinner date, stay at home date, and so many more we've even gone to see fireworks together. I see him every single day and I have never been happier. I love cuddling with him, I just feel safe in his arms. I'm going to be honest with you Noah tells me that I'm the most beautiful girl in the world multiple times a day but he always asks me to go on a beach date with him, I feel bad but I always make a lame excuse because I don't like the way I look in a bathing suit. I know Noah says that he loves the way I look and thinks I'm perfect but I don't think that. He has never seen me in a swim suit before. I'm flat as a pancake.

I know Noah would never judge me, he is the sweetest guy alive, I'm just super insecure. I've opened up to Noah about my PNES, anxiety and depression. I've been on medication for it and it definitely helps a lot. He has been nothing but supportive. I go to all of his soccer games to cheer him on. I'm also so happy that my dad likes Noah, they talk a lot about soccer.

I'm just hiding one thing to him. He doesn't know that I'm going to ucla as well. I don't think that he will be mad that I'm going, I think he'll be mad that I didn't tell him sooner. I honestly have no idea how to bring the topic up but I'll do my best. Noah has never heard me sing before, but he does know that I like to sing. I invited him over to hangout today. I told him he can just walk in when he gets back from soccer practice.

Noah's POV: I just left soccer practice, then I'm going to go home and take a shower, then walkover to Dixie's. I took a shower got changed and now I headed outside next door to Dixie's. she told me to just walk in and I did.

I was going up the stairs then I heard someone and it sounded like singing. I stop and lean against Dixie's door frame. It's Dixie singing, she sounded amazing. I liked listening to her sing, I didn't want her to stop. I don't think that she realized that I was here. She finished singing.

I slowly start clapping and she turns around and looks at me and says, "oh my god, I didn't realize you were there, how long were you standing there? "Enough to know that your an amazing singer, you should sing more often" I say to her. "My mom used to sing and write songs, but I think that I don't have the confidence to sing in front of anyone" Dixie said to me. "You just sang In front of me" I say while chuckling. "Because I did know you were there" Dixie said to me while laughing.

I say to her " well you sounded great." Dixie said to me "thanks, um Noah there's something I want to to talk to you about." I was nervous what did she want to talk to me about. "Ok.. what's up?" I say to her.

Dixie said to me "So I know your going to ucla and I thought I'd tell you that I'm going there too. They offered me a full academic scholarship last summer, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner I just didn't know if" I cut her off by kissing her then she kissed me back. "Omg I'm so happy! Of course I wished you told me sooner but I get to go to college with the love of my life" I told Dixie. I pulled her into a tight hug.

"so Noah when are you going to ask me out?" Dixie questioned me, of course I wanna ask her out I just want to it be the right time and make sure everything is perfect. "Soon, I promise I just want to make sure everything is perfect" I tell her. she nodded her head in response.

Authors note: hope you enjoyed this chapter! Might be the last one for tonight, I'm not sure though.

Word count: 942

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