Chapter 7

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Noah's POV: I see Dixie sitting on her porch swing as I walk out the front door with my dog scout. It looked like she may have been crying but I couldn't tell exactly because it was dark outside. I decided that I'm going to go over to here and see what's wrong. My dog starts to bark because he loves people.

I sit down on her porch swing next to her but still give her a bit of distance from each other and I say "hey are you alright?" I didn't like seeing her cry. She quickly wipes her tears and says "y-yeah why wouldn't I be fine?" "Maybe because it looks like you were crying?" I said back I just want her to talk to me.

"I'm fine you don't have to worry about me" she said. Maybe I don't have to worry about her but I do worry about her I love this girl of course I'm going to worry about her. "Dixie you can talk to me, you may not trust me but I promise I've changed and I want to be a better person." I said to her. "It's a long story and you probably don't want to listen to all of my shit." She said with tears streaming down her face.

"Hey I've got all night and I'm a great listener and plus I think scout really likes you." I said to her calmly. "So that's his name? Scout? That's cute." She said I heard a laugh come out and that just made me so much happier. I said to her "yeah he's my dog, he loves people and to play. But please talk to me Dixie I want to help you."

She sighed "I-I-it's just my mom, I miss her so much, she died when I was 13, I've been stressed about school and I also have to deal with you and your little gang bullying me, which does not make life any easier, besides why are you even talking to me I thought you hated me, don't you think I'm weird because I had a seizure and that was the one thing I didn't want the whole school to find out about?"

She wiped her tears and looked down. "Hey, hey I don't hate you it's actually the opposite of hate you. If I'm being completely honest with you I've had a crush on you ever since 9th grade and I was only  bullying you to make my crush go away but it didn't work it honestly made it stronger towards you. I'm sorry for what I did I was a complete jack ass. I also don't think your weird everyone has their own personal problems and I'll tell the guys to stop picking on you. I'm sorry I didn't know about you mom passing when you were so young, I don't know what I would do if my mom passed away."

I said and Dixie hugged me. I was in complete shock but I hugged back. I was actually happy that Dixie opened up to me, I didn't know her mom died and I honestly felt so bad. I was bullying her and she went through a lot that I didn't know about.

Dixie's POV: I just opened up to Noah, I have no idea what it was but I just kinda felt safe around him. That honestly surprised me because he bullied me for so long. I even hugged him, he has big muscles but they were also warm. It felt different from any other hug I had.

I got to see the soft side of Noah, I'm sure there's a lot that I don't know about him and there's still a lot he doesn't know about me but he isn't as bad as a though he was. But I do think that I should be completely honest with him about all of my feelings towards him otherwise I know what ever going on between us isn't going to work.

I looked up at him and said "You do realize that you made me feel like shit and that I don't like the I look." I saw his facial expressions and he looked hurt but I needed to tell him the truth. He said to me "if I'm being honest with you, Dixie please stop saying that about yourself because you are the most beautiful, stunning, prettiest girl I have ever seen. I know I fucked up and I'm sorry but please don't talk bad about yourself."

I was kind of shocked when he said that to me nobody has ever said anything like that to me especially a guy. "Why do you think that, I don't have big boobs I'm flat as a pancake, I don't have a big ass, isn't what guys like you that's what you look for in a girl?" I said to him looking at him in the eyes.

He said to me "no, I don't care how big your boobs or your ass is, I care about your personality. You also have the brightest smile, beautiful dark brown eyes, and the best laugh I've ever heard. I could watch you for house and not get bored." I was shocked that a guy like him would even say that to a girl like me.

He took a pause then said. "It's ok to have insecurities you know, but in my eyes you are prefect just the way your are. If it makes you feel any better I have insecurities too. I have gynecomastia or gyno it's the same thing but nobody knows that I have except for my parents and my sisters. It's on of my biggest insecurities and I know I act all tuff at school but I'm really not." I was shocked that the Noah Beck has insecurities I thought that he was perfect and had nothing wrong with him.

"You trusted me enough to tell me that?" I questioned him. He said "yes Dixie, you are different from all the other girls, you don't use me for my body or looks, sure I have abs but everyone treats me as if that's the only good part about me, and I know that there is a lot more to me then the captain of the soccer  team and a guy with a six pack." I hugged him again I honestly felt bad.

"Noah I'm sorry." "Don't be, I don't want any of those girls the only one I want and have my eyes for is.. you" he said while looking straight into my eyes.

Authors note: oop sorry for the cliffhanger kinda.... anyways let me know how you like it so far!

Word count: 1125

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