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Thank you guys a lot for reaching the end of the story, I honestly loved writing it and everything. It truly made me happy and helped me a lot too, knowing that you guys lived it too made me even happier, reading some of your comments also made me laugh and got me more motivated to continue . The story helped me release some of my emotions and it helped a lot. Thanks a lot for everything, I appreciate you guys so much, trust me I won't stop writing, and as a matter of fact a new story called "lost love" is published, but only part 1 of course, now that I finished this story I will focus on it more, follow me for more stories and new updates, of course you don't have to if you don't want to. I wanna thank you guys again a lot, I hope you enjoyed the story and I also hope you enjoy the rest of your day, afternoon or night. Bye my little weebs🥰✌🏻


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