Truth be told

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Hinata:to answer daichis question *looks down*

Mike: you sure your ready

Uncle: yea...yesterday y-

Hinata: I....I am...they deserve to know *looks at them* but mike *looks at mike* you tell them*looks down*

Mike: I will...

Uncle: I will leave you be then.... *left the room*

     Mike proceeds to tell them everything how him and hinata were training when they were young, how they met years later, about his dad being dead, not leaving a single detail, hinata couldn't handle there reaction, all of them shocked as ever, tears fall down, kageyama pulls him to a hug and hinata leans on his shoulder, thoughts start to appear, pulling hinata into pure darkness

Hinata POV : so, after he's done I will be alone, I killed so many people mercilessly, no emotions....I am used to people leaving me,this should be normal it's not....,heck what is even normal, they....they are like family, I won't be able to handle it, I thought I could but.....I won't....Kageyama might break up with me, I am friends will leave me...I-I-.....who am I kidding I am not prepared.....who will kiss me telling me everything is fine....who will play with me making me stronger.....who will teach me new moves like bokuto and oikawa.....who will be my friend....the love of my life.....even if I tried to replace them after that I won't be able to....I....I should have died, why didn't you stab harder Richard....Why......

    His thoughts ended with a slight of touch, kageyama tapping his shoulder....mike finished telling them everything except the mission....he left that for hinata to tell, everyone was in tears by this point, hearing how much he had to suffer, everyone knew about hinatas dad being abusive, but they didn't know to which extent..

Hinata: d-did y-you fin-finish

Kenma POV : w-why is h-he stuttering

Oikawa POV : chibi-Chan...

Mike: not everything,I didn't tell them about the mission yet

Hinata: and why

Mike: i left it for you

Kageyama: baby please tell us we are worried, what happened on that mission, what did he mean by your plan just tell us

Hinata: fine....he isn't wrong it was entirely my plan...I knew we couldn't defeat him...I mean how would we he was an S-standard I thought of something....and luckily it worked

Suga: what was your plan hinata?

Hinata: to make him tired and worn out, we acted stupid by not knowing what to do, and he we fought till the end....I expected we would get injured...and that's basically it

Tsukishima: so you knew the consequences of your plan and didn't care

Hinata: *looks at him dead serious * I would rather die saving people than have millions of them killed

   Tsukishima flinched a bit by the sight of the tangerine, he knew he was serious, kageyama shaking a bit and hugging hinata even tighter, the thought of loosing him.....

Hinata: huh?

Kenma: everything ok

Hinata: no...why are you still here?

Oikawa: what do you mean?

Hinata: I expected you all to leave after hearing all of that....

Kuro: why would we leave, we care about you and just cause we know your an assassin, Dosent mean we will leave you

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