Beginning of the End

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Kageyama and hinata enter the room to see everyone laughing and enjoying their time. They were both happy especially hinata knowing everyone is having fun before the trouble and torture they are going to witness tomorrow.

After all the fun and laughs, and all the training and planning, it was time to go to bed, to rest, relax. Everyone was nervous, scared, oikawa was shaking, couldn't sleep. Kenma was afraid, Akaashi trying to keep his cool, to not freak out bokuto, but surprisingly bokuto was the calm one. Yamaguchi almost in tears, same with Atsumu and suna. Suga was worried about everyone, also daichi. Noya didn't seem as excited as before, same with tanaka. One thing they everyone shared in common  was fear, even if they seemed so calm on the outside, like sakusa,osamu,tsukishima, mike they all were still a nervous wreck.

Hinata was in bed, even though he couldn't sleep, he stayed, unlike other nights he would wake up and start working, but tonight was different. Kageyama was also awake, tightly hugging hinata, to make sure he won't get any panic attacks or anything.


Oikawa: *shaking*

Iwaizumi: *hugs him tightly* kawa please tell me what's wrong

Oikawa: nothing iwa-Chan just scared

Iwaizumi: shhh *plays with his hair* everything will be fine ok, can you turn around for me

Oikawa turns around and faces iwaizumi. He had puffy cheeks, red eyes, he was in pain, scared, petrified even. He was like a little kid with no family.

Iwaizumi hugged him even tighter, he knew how his boyfriend is sometimes, how he can get too anxious or too insecure, things he tried to hide from everyone, but failed infront of iwaizumi.

Iwaizumi: better, now look at me, and breath

Oikawa does as he is told

Iwaizumi: everything will be fine, we have great uniform, amazing tech, we practiced really hard, heck your even an S-standard, hinatas plan is perfect, everyone is in teams so we are not alone, and I'm with you, so relax, things will be fine

Oikawa: *calms down* thanks iwa-Chan, I don't know what I would do without you

Iwaizumi: anytime kawa *kisses him*


Bokuto: *hugging him* calm down kaashi

Akaashi: how are you so calm about all of this??

Bokuto: well as Oikawa said, we practiced hard for this didnt we

Akaashi: yea

Bokuto: and we are both A-standard agents which many people couldn't do in less than 3 months

Akaashi: *calmed* yea

Bokuto: it means we are special kaashi *smiles* so don't worry

Akaashi: I love you my owl

Bokuto: love you more


Kenma: kuroo don't leave me ok

Kuro: pudding where is this coming?
Is everything ok?

Kenma: yea

Kuro: kitten, what's wrong, are you nervous ?

Kenma: *quiet tone* no

Kuro: kitten *hugs him tighter* don't worry ok, I will be with you the whole time, I will protect you

Kenma: thanks kuro

Kuro: anytime pudding


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