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Hinata POV: how though?

As hinata and Oikawa reached the kitchen, they saw everyone already devouring the delicious pancakes kageyama made.

Everyone was sitting next to their partners enjoying the little time they had, before going back to training.

Oikawa sat next to iwaizumi, happy to see his Boyfriend happy and next to him, oikawa was even happier, knowing that iwaizumi is always by his side for better or for worse.

Hinata on the other hand was worried, it wasn't as obvious but kageyama knew something was wrong.

Kageyama: *whispers* shoyo is everything ok?

Hinata: *whispers* yea everything is fine, everything is just fine

Kageyama POV : is he overthinking again

Kageyama then look at mike, and without saying a word mike understood, mike then stood up and went to hinata

Mike: *whispers* shoyo can I talk to you ?

Hinata: *whispers* yea sure *smiles*

Hinata stands up and goes with mike to the admin.

Hinata: so what's up? Everything ok?

Mike: I'm just gonna get straight to the point......*deep breaths* are you overthinking again?

Hinata: it's nothing about me, or Julian or Vincent this time.

Mike: then what is it about?

Hinata: Oikawa

Mike: everything ok?

Hinata: remember yesterday when I got mad and all, well he also has the same thoughts, and I'm just trying to come up with a way we're no other person will get the same thoughts, but I can't find any

Mike: shoyo, listen to me, having thoughts like those are normal, especially in our world, and if someone has them, then we will help, so no need to think about it a lot

Hinata: but what if we never find out that they have thoughts like those

Mike: then their significant other will, so don't worry about it ok

Hinata: fine

Mike: good, now since we are done with breakfast, let's go train

Hinata: yea, let's go

Everyone started practicing, it was the same routine as always, starting at 11:30, 3 hours of  fighting, 4 hours of combat training, 3 hours of weapon practicing, and then an hour of re-organizing, and reminding everyone about the plan that will take place next Thursday.

After all the practicing and planning it was finally 10:30, everyone was tired, some almost passing out, but they are used to all of this by now

Hinata: great practice everyone!
You guys improved to much!

Oikawa: thanks chibi-Chan

Yamaguchi: yea thanks a lot hinata

Tsukishima: I still don't understand how the suits are made

Iwaizumi: same

Sakusa: yea

Daichi: I feel you

Oikawa: shouldn't you guys be Smart or something

Atsumu: yea it's honestly like you don't understand anything

Suga: I agree

Yamaguchi: same here

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