Figured out

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      The little tangerine and the blueberry were making dinner so they can eat, after they were done they both sat if the table and started eating..

Kageyama POV : why why would he do this, is he afraid of something, someone?

     Kageyama looks at his little tangerine barely eating, he couldn't eat his body won't allow it..

Kageyama: hinata aren't you going to eat

Hinata: I am not that hungry I ate a little, it's ok I will keep this for tomorrow

Kageyama: ok, I am not going to force you to do something you don't want, but how about we chill and watch a movie sounds good?


Kageyama: ok go to the living room and pick a movie while I clean up here

Hinata: you sure you don't want my help

Kageyama: yep

      Hinata went and picked a movie, and when before he could pick one kageyama was done , he then came and sat cuddling his little tangerine...

Hinata: this sounds like a good movie

Kageyama: then let's watch it

     They both cuddled each other enjoying there time, then half way through the movie kageyama got a call...

Kageyama: I will answer it and come back ok baby

Hinata: ok!

      The phone call was from suga...

Kageyama: hello

Suga: kageyama! Is my baby ok! Is he hur! Did something happen?!?

      Suddenly another persons voice appears from the background

Daichi: suga chill he is alright kageyama is with him

Kageyama: daichi is right suga he is fine but there's something I need to talk to you about, and it's about hinata, I finally figured him out

Suga: really!

Kageyama: yea, he didn't tell me anything yet but with the incidents that happened today I am sure I figured out something

Suga: that's great

Kageyama: oh and by the way me and hinata are not coming to school tomorrow

Daichi: and why is that's?

Kageyama: hinata just got another panic attack

Daichi: isn't his parents with him so why are you skipping

Kageyama: hinatas mom is on vacation with his sister

Suga: what about his father?

Kageyama: hinata never met his father

Suga: oh....ok

Daichi: well you can skip I understand the issue

Kageyama: thanks daichi, but tomorrow I will meet you after school at coach ukai shop, I will pass by to buy meat buns for hinata so you can meet me there

Suga: ok see you tomorrow..

Kageyama: see you..

   Kageyama goes back to the living room

Hinata: kageyama are you ok? What happened baby?

Kageyama: nothing honey ok * kisses him oh his forehead* let's continue watching the movie

Hinata: *cuddles with hin* ok!

     When the movie was done, kageyama saw that his little tangerine was sleeping, so peacefully...

Kageyama POV : cute, now let's take you to bed

     Kageyama carries hinata and takes him to his room puts him on his bed, he thought of sleeping in the coach even tho hinata is his boyfriend, he didn't know if he would be comfortable or if he will overwhelm with emotions in the morning if he sees him, but before he could leave...


    Kageyama was shocked by what he said but went ahead and slept with his little tangerine..
     The next day kageyama tried his best to distract hinata, he might not know what happened , but he knows it's bad, so he tried to do anything he can to make hinata happy..
   They went to an amusement park,arcade,restaurant, however hinata barley ate, he said he couldn't abs it hurted when he did, kageyama knew something was wrong so he thought of bringing medicine, when he is on his way to buy meatbuns in the afternoon..
Back home..

Kageyama: baby I will go buy somethings and come back ok?

Hinata: can't I come with you

Kageyama: I am sorry baby but one of the things I wanna buy is a surprise for you ok

Hinata: ok baby see you in a few

Kageyama: see you, watch a movie if you want until I come back

Hinata: ok

Kageyama first does to the pharmacy to buy hinata some medicine

Kageyama: hello

Pharmacist: good afternoon sir how can I help you?

Kageyama: we my friend is having trouble eating and sleeping too, he sleeps peacefully only when he got his panic attacks

he said friend because he Dosent know if the pharmacist is homophobic or not

Pharmacist: may I ask how many times he got his panic attacks?

Kageyama: from what I know two

Pharmacist: and did he at least explain to you why he got them

Kageyama: he said when he was overwhelmed with emotions he got them

Pharmacist: I see, just to make sure, your friend has trouble eating, sleeping and also gets panic attacks

Kageyama: yes sir

Pharmacist: ok I have a medicine for each, give him this for eating, before he eats but the maximum he can take a day is two, this is for sleeping give it to him before he sleeps, the maximum he can take is also two, and this every time he thinks he will get a panic attack or after a panic attack let him take it the maximum he can take is three, if he overdoses he might get sick so please don't let him overdose

The doctor also tells him a few other stuff about the medicine and hinatas illness

Kageyama: thank you sir

Kageyama leaves the pharmacy then goes to coach ukais shop to buy meatbuns and meet the rest of his teammates

Kageyama buys what he needs and waits for his teammates

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