Oh My Salem,

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Please, this is a warning. There is a part in here that can cause some to become uncomfortable, but it is in my story, so please, just go with it. I am sorry.

I am SO stupid.

I forgot today was a late start day and now I am here, all by myself, with a creepy building in front of me. I had never realized that my high school looked some what like a psych ward. Grass covered one corner on the top, vines crawling up the school's structure, and it couldn't be possibly worse with the forest just ahead and behind the building.

I never lurked in them. Well, until Ryan. I always heard scary myths and I wasn't risking my life like some stupid teenagers on movies. Dean and Sam Winchester taught me better than that. My mom hadn't even told me not to go lurking in the woods. I guess all my life I depended on my grandparents. My mom never once taught me how to cook, do laundry, or any girly stuff that a mother was suppose to do. I guess you could call her lazy. Sometimes, and I swear, she claims she is sick, or has a disease. A hypochondriac, yes.

My grandmother taught me all the ropes, and my grandfather was like a father figure. My dad too cared much about his work and it was a miracle to see him outside his office. I guess you could say this is why I love my grandfather so much. I had to make sure to see him, today. I think not seeing him for a couple days has taken a toll on me.

Why else would I cry, yesterday? I liked Ryan, yes, but I know I couldn't have emotional feelings for my own project. He was meant to only be my project. Hell, he said he was scared and so was I. My grandma said, 'when you find the one...you'll know.' And the sad thing is, I don't know because everything I feel, feels so weird and abnormal.


I turned to my right slightly to see a little kitten with white fur and black on its paws, blue eyes looking at me.

"Aren't you the cutest thing," I smiled and bent down to pet its head. 

"Meow," it rubbed its head on my palm, purring with delight. I reached for the kitten, but 'it' scurried away like it wanted to play. I shrugged, knowing that school doesn't start til another hour, and I followed after the cute kitty. It ran to the front of the school building and once it saw me coming, it scurried away meowing. I laughed because 'it' was laughing at me. It sat there at the edge of the building licking its paw.

"Kitty, come here." I said, reaching for it. It let me pet its head once more and let my hand roam its fur and its tail lifted, as it purred. I took the opportunity to see if it was a male or female. I didn't want to keep calling the poor thing an 'it'. I picked him up and he cuddled on my shoulder, purring. I sat on the ground watching him watching me. He looked like a cute parrot.

"What should I call you?" I smiled down at him. 

"Bob?" He patted my face with his paw. Okay, no to that.

"Darren?" He wiggled his nose which looked like disgust. Scratch that. I thought long and hard, thinking back to Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

"Salem?" I felt confident with that name. He meowed, rubbing his head against my chin. 

"Salem it is," I smiled.

"What do we got here," I jumped at the unknown voice. Only to see that it was Brian Moore. The guy who gave me a half smile almost every time he sees me. It was kind of creepy if you think about it. Salem crawled into my jacket, with his head poking slightly out, hissing and shivering. I stood up and smiled at Brian.

"Nothing," I brushed the dirt off my knees and gave Brian a small smile. I tried to keep a clean composure, but it was hard with Salem digging his nails into my skin and him hissing at Brian.

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