Chapter 57: drunk again

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Merry and Pippin pulled Aerin to the dance floor. Again. It was in the early hours of the morning and Aerin was drunk. She was so drunk she started to dance on tables with Pippin. However it didn't go to plan as she fell of the table.

Her gaze landed on bright blue eyes that stared down at her with uncertainty. That's when the realisation hit her. She was in Legolas's arms. She frowned.....and her tunic was soaked wet? The alcohol must have spilled out of the tankard that she had been holding. She lazily examined Legolas and a giggle escaped her lips when she realised he was also covered in the ale. Aerin continued to marvelled at the blonde elf who was evaluated her drunken state. She laughed again. "You have muscly arms," she said with a slur.

Legolas sighed and made eye contact with Aragorn. The newly-crowned king nodded, knowing exactly what Legolas was asking. They both silently agreed that Aerin had had enough. "All right," the elf said as he put her down, "You're done." The last part of his sentence sounded stern, commanding, and showed that he was slightly pissed off—not that the drunk elleth could pick up on that.

Legolas didn't understand how she got so careless to drink this much. Quite frankly, he was surprised Aragon had let it get this far as he had assumed the figure of older brother long ago; but alas, Aerin was a grown elleth who was perfectly capable of making her own decisions. The Elven Prince took the half filled pint from her hand and passed it to Gimli. Legolas then grabbed her arm and slightly tugged her in the opposite direction, but she reached out and snatched the unfinished pint from the Dwarf. She quickly took another big gulp before Legolas pulled the tankard from her hand once again. He firmly set it down on the table and shot Gimli a look.

Legolas tugged Aerin to the crooked wooden stairs. He motioned for her to go up. She glanced at the step and let out another giddy laugh before lifting her leg. She was able to climb up a couple steps before falling back against Legolas chest. He easily caught her and held her waist until she regained some balance. She again lifted her foot but immediately stumbled. Legolas shook his head in frustration, bent down slightly, and scooped her up bridal style. The elf's ears turned light pink as he heard his friends snickering at the current situation he was in. He chose to ignore it; someone had to take care of her. Legolas opened the door to the small room and sat Aerin down on the bed, her legs dangling off the side. He poured some water from a pitcher onto a towel and turned back to the drunk elleth. He gently wiped her face with it, making sure to erase the dirt and dried blood from the outdoor adventure. He watched as Aerin's eyebrows furrowed and she tried to pull away from the cloth. "Cold, cold, cold," she grumbled like a child. Legolas sighed, "Aerin, don't make this difficult." She groaned once more before letting out another giggle. The blonde elf raised his eyebrows in question. "You," She slurred, "have prettyyy hair."

She reached her hand out and grasped a handful of his blonde locks, "Can youu braid mine like that some day!?" He chuckled, "Maybe." Legolas reached upward and carefully untangled her fingers from his hair for he was fearful that, in her drunk state, she would end up getting them stuck in it. The Prince had dealt with a lot of intoxicated elves in his lifetime, but Aerin's behaviour was so innocent and seemed to be even more amusing. The blue eyed elf's hands made their way to her hair. He gently pulled out the tie from the messily twisted bun, allowing her locks to cascade down her shoulders. "Aerin," Legolas started. She let out another giddy laugh. Legolas sighed, "What is it now?"

"I thinks I had too many alcohols." Legolas smirked at her improper grammar, "Yes, indeed you did." She let out yet another giggle. "Aerin, your tunic is wet with ale and orc blood. Do you wish me to find a servant to assist you?" She closed her eyes and shook her head while grasping onto his sleeve, "Youu just help me." Legolas lips parted as he felt a blush creep up his neck and upon his ears. He cleared his throat, "Aerin, I'm not su—" The elleth interrupted him, "You." She paused in attempt to gather her drunk words together, "I trustt you over some random strangeeer." Legolas let out a nervous exhale but nodded.

He ruffled through her bag until he came across an extra black tunic. He grasped the soft fabric in his calloused hands and stood in front of her. Legolas sighed once again before tuning back the Aerin. He quickly pulled off her boots and then pulled back her covers. He then helped her climb into the soft comfort of the feathery bed. The Elven Prince sat on the edge of the mattress and gently ran his hand through her hair to coax her to sleep; and there he stayed watching over her.


Of course, cuddling wasn't considered compromising in the most basic definition, but it was reserved to those who were courting or wed—and Legolas and Aerin were neither of those. Yet, their bodies were moulded together and their position held still all night. The blonde elf sat up quickly to meet the grey eyes of the Ranger. Aragorn looked at him with raised eyebrows, "Are you alright, Mellon Nin (my friend)?" Legolas's brows furrowed and he tilted his head slightly before releasing a deep exhale. Maybe the Ranger would not comment on the previous closeness of the two? He focused back on his friend but the look on Aragorn's face did not falter. The Elven Prince cleared his throat, "Yes, yes I am alright. I was just—just—" Aragorn interrupted him, "Cuddling with Aerin?"

"Yes—I mean no.....I mean......Aragorn....." he trailed off. A smile ghosted across the Ranger's face as he turned back to tending to the small flames. Legolas sighed and stood up. He trudged towards his friend and plopped down on a dark textured log next to him. Aragorn sighed, the smirk that had previously plastered across his face faded into a serious expression. He dropped the stick and turned his full attention towards Legolas. "Don't think that it has escaped me, Mellon Nin (my friend)." The elf frowned, "What do you mean?"

The dark haired man shrugged, "The way you look at her." Legolas was clearly takin aback by this comment for he stiffened and drew his eyes away. A light chuckle left the Ranger's lips. "You forget I was raised by your kin. I recognise those elvish looks of longing." Legolas felt a deep blush creep up his neck and into the tips of his pointed ear. He didn't know what to say—what could he even try to say? Aragorn had figured him out. But luck seemed to be on his side for the waking groans of Gimli halted their conversation. In the morning Aerin did feel better, a little hungover thanks to Gimli, it was not bearable. Aerin slumped down the stairs to the Throne room, where there was a long table that was used for breakfast. She was rubbing her temples and groaning with every step. Her head pounded like drums, the light blinded like white fire, and everything was just too damn loud.

She saw that most of the fellowship was all sitting around a table across the room, many of them with the same problem as her. Legolas expectantly appearing near her and chuckled when she walked past him, "feeling better?" She sent him a death glare and grumbled in response. She plopped down on the bench across from Merry and Pippin and next to Gimli. The Dwarf nudged her, "Do you have any memory of last night?" She groaned, "No why? What happened?"

At that moment Eowyn slid onto the bench next to Aerin with a big grin on his face. She spoke with a tone filled of taunting amusement, "Legolas took care of your drunk ass!" Aerin groaned at that statement and put her head on the table. "And you cuddled on your bed!" Aragorn added and Gimli spat out his drink. "What!?" The dwarf shouted and Aerin let out a loud sigh before looking over at Legolas who had been chatting with Merry and Pippin. "I am never drinking again." she exclaimed as she dropped her head to the table, she groaned.

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