Chapter 61: guests

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"Try not to get tired of me soon, baby," Aerin whispered. "I'll honour you with my presence for the whole ceremony. Then all through the feast. And then for a looonger time." Aerin cooed at her baby. Legolas just smiled at the door as he watched his wife and their baby as they made their way out to the forest where the ceremony was being held.

The clouds parted at just the right time, letting the sun shine down on the Mirkwood forest. The flowers had recently come into bloom, their white and pinkish petals heralding the arrival of spring and filling the air with their fragrance. A large festival hall had been built in the forest, its oak and pine beams decorated with ornate knot work carvings and inlays. King Thranduil and Lord Elrond stood at the front of the hall, Aerin towering behind them in a beautiful short, white dress. Legolas looked hot like normal. In her arms, Aerin carried an pale-skinned baby swaddled in a blue and gold baby blanket, a single curl of blonde hair peeking out from underneath.

The people gathered in the forest had come from many corners of Middle Earth, to bring gifts for the future King of Mirkwood. It had been five years since the victory of Battle Of The Pelennor Fields and most of the different relms had united and made peace treaties.  

Aerin let out a quick laugh before she was felt a different pair of arms snake around her waist. Aerin turned to face Éowyn. It was the time for Aerin to squeal. Out of nowhere, it seemed, Merry and Pippin jumped out, wide grins on their faces and doing their little dance, all the while juggling a few apples from one to the other. Aerin squealed, like a maiden in distress, and she never thought it embarrassing before this recollection of the events. She did not care. They were the last people she'd expected to see, she would have never even imagined! She then rushed down the steps to greet them. ''You!!''


''You little- you troublesome- pair of woolheads!'' Aerin hissed as she handed her baby to Legolas who was standing not too far away. She crouched down to hug them both, and though she expected them to say something to that, she could only see them blush so sweetly she couldn't help but chuckle despite her situation. ''Do you not know I long I've been running like a mad woman - looking like a mad woman - trying to find you?'' Merry raised his pipe to his mouth and Aerin shot him a look. ''You ought to smoke less. You'll become even more woolheaded than you already are,'' she smiled, the first time in the whole week, messing up Merry's already messy and tangled hair. Pippin only grinned and scratched the top of his head innocently before they ran away to cause mischief. Legolas chuckled to a guard as he walked closer handing their baby back to his wife. Éomer shortly followed as he came to speak to his sister. "Welcome Éomer, son of Éomund." Legolas declared turning to shake hands with Éomer. "Welcome, Éowyn daughter of Éomund." 

"I am honoured to be here." Éomer responded as he kissed Aerin's hand and bowed to Legolas. "You must enlighten me about your rule of Rohan.." Legolas stuck his hand out for Éomer to follow. They walked off to meet Aragorn and Gimli.

"Whats he called?" Éowyn asked as she peered over to stroke the baby's face. "Orophir Haldir Greenleaf." Aerin smiled. "Orophir was King Thranduil, Legolas' dad, dad. And Haldir... well you met him briefly, he was my first love. So we named our son after them both." Éowyn smiled, "Aren't you expecting your first child with Faramir?" Aerin questioned turning to face Éowyn. The blonde girl smiled estatically, whilst holding onto her smallish baby bump,  "Yes.. we're both so excited. But today is not about us.. it's about you and Legolas." Éowyn said respectfully. "Look, it looks like everyones going inside." Aerin giggled with her friend as they made it inside the castle.

"Thank you all for coming. Please meet our new Prince of Mirkwood, Orophir." King Thranduil declared as he ordered every to sit down.The feast begins and everyone is enchanted by the baby. "Look what you got, little leaf." Aerin whispered into her sons neck as she held up a silver diamond necklace. Little did Aerin know, her father was walking up behind them. "Congratulations, on the smart baby, my child." Lord Elrond spoke softly as he sat down next to his daughter. "Thanks, Ada."

"He's our little joy." Legolas said as he kissed Aerin's cheek and took a seat next to her. "He's got the nose of his grandfather for sure." Lord Elrond spoke suddenly. "Really?" Aerin questioned. "Just like Thranduil." King Thranduil stepped closer after hearing his name. "Yeah. But he also has Aerin's eyes."

"And what has he got after me?" Legolas asked impatiently. "Maybe he'll be brave like you?" Lord Elrond hinted at. "he got your obstinancy.. he can cry all night if he wants." Aerin added making the rest of the group laugh. "Oh that's true." Thranduil added. "Oh he has his little snores just like you and when he wakes up.." Aerin starts before being interrupted by Legolas, "Enough.. I understand." He muttered. "Well father like son." Lord Elrond laughed as he walked off to see Arwen, who was trying to stop Aragorn from drinking more, and of course Gimli wasn't helping with that. "Oh stop, he's a mini version of Legolas for sure." King Thranduil laughed as he gently picked up the baby from his cradle. "Just like Legolas." He slowly repeated. The celebration went on and it soon became very dark. "Stay safe Éowyn, and if I don't see you soon, good luck with the preganancy." Aerin smiled as she waved of her friend and Faramir.

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