Chapter 55: healing

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Aerin had to remain in the care of the healers for the entire month. They insisted, and Aragorn ordered it too. Apparently, if she moved too soon it wouldn't heal, and it would also probably injure her further. So Aerin had to stay the entire month, though she didn't mind it as she was in Minith Tirith with her friends- she was just stuck in a room and couldn't leave.

She was never alone for a long time - people kept her company, though everyone was rather busy, with Aragorn's coronation ceremony to prepare and all. Aerin wanted to help out with it, but instead she was forced to uselessly lie in bed for most of the time. Legolas came every day, though for not too long a time, as he had too much work on his hands. Aerin didn't mind. She needed a break from him, as much as she missed him. She needed to figure things out.

Half of her torso was still in bandages under her dress - her shoulder included - once she was released, though she'd healed completely. It was for support, she was told. Aerin was too happy about freedom to care. She was feeling better, and spring had come, and the nature seemed to have restored itself and all was well with the world. She decided to enjoy that, and not think about anything else at least until the coronation was over. Aerin was just happy to be alive.

Aragorn ordered  one of the healers to check on her every now and then. Aerin told him ''With all due respect, sire, but you are being a pain in the arse.'' He laughed almost to tears before he announced that the orders remain anyway. As he was going to marry her sister, he was becoming more of a father figure than he had seemed like before.

It was different, and it was surreal. But Aerin was getting used to it - the new world they lived in. She loved the change. She loved being able to walk with Éowyn and simply talk, without worries, like two normal people, sharing a little bit of their lives with one another. For the first time ever, Aerin felt like she was under no threat. She felt free. And so did she. She was happy, the happiest she had seen her so far, and it filled her heart with joy to see her that way. She told Aerin about Faramir and their plans, and Aerin pretended she hadn't noticed the way they held hands the entire time. ''Oh that is just wonderful!''

''Keep it down,'' she shushed Aerin and giggled, ''It's not like we've announced anything yet.''

''My friend is wise when it comes to women,'' Aerin grinned. They giggled about that like two fool adolescent girls for a good while. ''And what of Legolas?'' she asked after a while. No more playful banter. Aerin really did not want to discuss this now, but it was Éowyn. ''Have you decided what to do?''

''How do you-?'' Aerin questioned before she was interrupted by Éowyn. ''I'm not blind.'' Aerin went quiet, "I love him but I haven't spoken to him about it.." Aerin started. "It's only been a couple of months since the Battle of Helm's Deep.. since Haldir died. I fear I will be moving on too quick." Éowyn nodded reassuringly. "Haldir would understand, he wouldn't want you to spend the rest of your life grieving. You never forget your first love.." Éowyn smiled as she snaked her arms around her best friend. ''I trust you know what's best for you,'' she  said.

It was once they bumped into Faramir, that Aerin let the two be. It was a wonderful afternoon that day, though with too much free time on her hands. Aerin wasn't allowed to work much, thanks to Aragorn. She went looking for him - for them - as she hadn't seen them all day. She found them all entering the throne room, discussing something. ''Well, well, well... If it isn't my three dearest companions,'' Aerin teased, ''I haven't seen any of you all day, have you perhaps forgotten about your poor sickly friend?''

''Stop teasing, lass. We knew you were with Lady Éowyn,'' Gimli said, ''Our pointy-eared friend here, though, has been in very low spirits today. Not having seen you all day and that.'' Aragorn chuckled. Legolas smiled, though he probably wanted to kick Gimli. Aerin felt much the same. He only gave him a small nudge, however. ''Well, we're having a feast tonight, so I suggest you get ready. It's time we made a proper celebration,'' Aragorn smiled. ''Oh, in that case, I will take my leave.'' Aerin fake bowed to the King to be. ''I'll escort you,'' Legolas said as he offered Aerin his arm. She gladly took it.

''So... Where have you been all day, my prince?'' Aerin asked teasingly as they walked towards her chambers. ''With Aragorn and Gimli, arranging some things. I'd rather I had been with you but alas, you made your choice,'' he smiled. ''What? Éowyn came to me, and she was the only one to do so! Some friends you are,'' Aerin feigned indignation. ''Friends? I believe I'm a little more than a friend now, am I not?'' he grinned, It was true they had grown much closer since she returned alive. ''Perhaps. A very special kind of friend,'' Aerin answered, playing along. And then Aerin realised they had reached the destination.

"I'll see you at dinner." Legolas replied kissing the top of Aerin's forehead. Just as she saw him turn the corner of the corridor she wished she had invited him in, she craved his kiss.


The dining hall greeted Aerin with cheerful voices - chatter and laughter. Faint music could be heard in the background. Smells of most delicious meals filled her nostrils and it wasn't until then that she realised how hungry she actually was. Aerin saw nothing but smiles plastered across the faces of the people eating, and it brought one on her own. It was a late celebration of their victory, but everyone had been too busy to make a proper one. Aerin saw Gimli waving his short arm at her, motioning for her to sit on their side.

''Manners, Master Dwarf. Is that how you call on a lady? With a beard like that?'' Aerin joked as she pointed to Gimli's beard which was full of food. Gimli gulped down his mouthful, stopped for a moment to look down on his beard, then tried brushing it away and Aerin chuckled, to which the friends around them laughed. ''Lass! Don't tease your elders.'' Gimli muttered then he stopped when he realised something. "Gimli, I'm 2927 years old, you're like what..? 140?"  Aerin said as Gimli wiped his beard and muttered something that sounded a lot like, 'there very similar' which caused Aerin to pull him closer into a hug.

Laughing, Aerin sat next to him. Legolas sat across the table in front of her. She grabbed a napkin and carefully helped Gimli with his beard. She could not help it with the laughter. He kept mumbling something to himself. ''There,'' she said once she was finished. ''Well, thank you, lass. I'm glad you didn't die." Aerin gave him a look and couldn't resist smiling, "me too." Aerin laughed and looked to Legolas, who only smiled.

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