Chapter 45: palantír

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Aerin fell asleep next to Éowyn in the Hall, close to the fire. She slept peacefully for a while, she must have been more tired than she realised. But then she dreamt of Legolas. It was an odd dream. They were at a harbour, and he waved at her before he boarded a big ship, and Aerin remembered she waved back and cried. He was going to the Undying Lands. She had chosen to stay in Middle Earth like she hoped her sister was going to do. She couldn't sleep so she made her way towards the door of the hall, where she hoped to be alone on the balcony. So much had happened that night and she just wanted to forget it all. 

The night wasn't as dark; it seemed that the dawn was nearing. Aerin did not expect to find Legolas there, completely hooded in his cloak, gazing at the night sky or something in the far distance. ''You're here,'' Aerin said, before she leaned against the rail next to him. ''Why aren't you sleeping?''

''A bad dream.''

''What was it?''

''It doesn't matter.''

''Alright,'' he simply said, not pushing it like he usually did every time something troubled her. It hurt her; it was as though he no longer cared. He almost sounded angry with her. He did not even look at her when he spoke to her. The cold air slowly started landing on her skin, and soon Aerin couldn't stop herself from shivering lightly.

''You're cold. Here,'' he said as coldly as Aerin ever heard him, before he wrapped her in his cloak. ''I'm not-,'' Aerin started but he cared not. ''Thank you...'' He gave Aerin no answer. ''Legolas, are you angry with me?''

''Why would I be angry with you?'' Aerin sighed, "Ú-iston."  (I do not know.)'

''How is it always you two that are up and awake?''


''I couldn't sleep,'' Aerin muttered, ''I'll leave you two.''

''No need, mellon nin,'' Aragorn said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

''The stars are veiled,'' Legolas said, only now revealing that he has been watching the skies all this time, as though Aerin wasn't worthy of this information to be shared, ''Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice... The Eye of the enemy is moving.''

Aerin was hurt, and a bit angry - but hurt before all. She pretended to be perfectly fine, hoping she would be able to not display her emotions to Legolas. Aragorn looked East to Mordor, hoping to see what Legolas saw, but, of course, he could not see anything more than the usual smoke rising above the fiery lands. Aerin just looked at her feet, as she scraped them across the cobbled path. They stayed there looking at the night sky in silence for a while longer, before Legolas stunned them suddenly, ''He is here!!''

Legolas ran into the Hall and Aragorn and Aerin followed, confused. When they barged into the sleeping quarters, almost everyone awoke. They found Pippin on the floor, with a Palantír in his hands, writhing in horrible pain. The Palantír seemed fiery, as if it were too hot to even be held. Aragorn quickly took it away from Pippin, but he too fell on his knees in pain, trying his best not to scream. Aerin froze, not knowing what exactly to do.

Aragorn managed somehow to drop the wretched orb, and it rolled away towards Gandalf, where he caught it in a cloth and swiftly wrapped it tightly. Pippin was lying on the ground still, stunned and terrified. I rushed over and knelt next to him, putting my hand on his forehead to check the state of his well-being. He was covered in cold sweat. ''Fool of a Took! Look at me,'' Gandalf insisted, towering over him. ''Gandalf! Forgive me!'' The hobbit cried out. ''Look at me. What did you see?''

''A tree... there was a white tree in a courtyard of stone... it was dead. The city was burning.''

''Minas Tirith? Is that what you saw?''

''I saw... I saw Him! I could hear His voice in my head!''

''And what did you tell Him? Speak!''

''He asked me my name. I didn't answer... He hurt me!'' Pippin cried. ''What did you tell Him about Frodo and the Ring?'' Gandalf almost shook him with these questions. ''Nothing! I told him nothing... He hurt me but I said nothing... I promise,'' Pippin finally broke into tears and Aerin ran her fingers through his almost wet hair, trying to calm him. ''Leave us to speak,'' Gandalf ordered. Aerin was reluctant to leave the hobbit's side. Gandalf looked ready to scream at Pippin, distressed as the halfling was.

They all waited anxiously in the Hall for them to come out, pacing around in complete silence. Every minute seemed like an hour. Her stomach was churning. A white tree dead and the city burning... ''What are they speaking about for so long?'' asked Merry nervously, but nobody responded. Just then, Gandalf and Pippin walked out, and they all jumped up a bit. Pippin wore an apologetic look on his face. ''There was no lie in Pippin's eyes. A fool... but an honest fool he remains. He told Sauron nothing of Frodo and the Ring,'' said Gandalf. ''What about Minas Tirith?'' Aerin blurted out impatiently. ''We've been strangely fortunate. Pippin saw in the Palantír a glimpse of the enemy's plan. Sauron moves to strike the city of Minas Tirith,'' he said, and her heart sank to her heals.


''His defeat at Helm's Deep showed our enemy one thing: he knows the heir of Elendil has come forth. Men are not as weak as he supposed; there is courage still, strength enough perhaps to challenge him. Sauron fears this. He will not risk the peoples of Middle-Earth uniting under one banner. He will raze Minas Tirith to the ground before he sees a King return to the throne of Men. If the Beacons of Gondor are lit, Rohan must be ready for war.''

''Tell me... why should we ride to the aid of those who did not come to ours? What do we owe Gondor?'' asked King Théoden. Aerin almost could not believe what she was hearing. She was already trembling enough from how fortunate they were to know that Sauron had plans to strike at Minas Tirirth. Aerin could only look at the King with wide eyes in shock. ''I will go,'' said Aragorn. ''And I will go with you,'' Aerin added. ''No!'' exclaimed Gandalf. ''They must be warned!'' insisted Aragorn.

''They will be. You must come to Minas Tirith by another road. Follow the river and look to the black ships. Understand this: things are now in motion that cannot be undone. I ride for Minas Tirith. And I won't be going alone,'' Gandalf explained, giving Pippin a look which said he would be the one to travel forth.

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