The Bedside Vigil for Derrick

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“Yeah.” Derrick started to close his eyes again. Someone was holding his other hand. Who was holding it? The hand felt familiar. But what was she doing here? It couldn’t be Mindy could it? He thought hopefully.

“Is it you?” He asked, turning towards her.

“Yes, Derrick.” She whispered, tears running down her face. She hated sharing such an intimate moment in front of Lizzie. It must be obvious by his form of address what they were to each other. She wished they could have some privacy so badly, at least from Lizzie. What would Derrick say next?

“You’re here , Mindy? Where’s Joe? Is Joe home?” Derrick asked anxiously, his heart racing. He had it coming from Mindy's husband, and he knew it. Derrick wasn't ready to die, yet. He wasn't sure  exactly what he was living for right now.But something was going to give soon, if he could ever get out of this damn bed again. He just knew it.

“Yes, Derrick. He’s back home. I’m sorry, Derrick.” She was sorry she wouldn't be able to be there for Derrick anymore the way she had been. And here he was, looking so helpless, shot in both legs because of her.

“Oooohhh.” He groaned audibly. “Nooooo. What am I going to do? He wants to kill me doesn’t he?” Derrick couldn't exactly jump on his horse and ride a few towns over until Josiah decided he wasn't worth killing. Not in the state he was in now.

“He didn’t mention it, Derrick.” Izzie piped up. “He didn’t say nothin’ ‘bout killing you. He said we should come over, and be with you since you were so sick," Izzie wished now she could make it all better. She'd done more damage than she'd planned. She was just trying to keep Derrick away from Mindy, not put him completely out of commission.

“Izzie? Did you come to shoot me again?” Derrick asked, only half joking.

“No, Derrick. Not unless you need it." She joked. "You look pretty bad already. I didn’t mean for you to get this sick, you know. I’m really sorry," She said sincerely. She hoped Derrick would recover.

“Well, I guess Derrick did something that Josiah wouldn’t like.” Lizzie announced, “Not that anyone ever tells me anything that goes on, but I can follow a conversation fairly well,” Lizzie said bitterly, “You’re my friends Mindy and Izzie, so why aren’t you telling me what Derrick has done?”

“Um, Lizzie, we thought you might want to hear ‘bout it later, after Derrick recovers,” Izzie explained, her hand resting loosely on the rifle she now carried with her almost everywhere.

“But it was you that shot him, Izzie?! Not some robbers?” Lizzie asked incredulously, only half believing it was even possible. She pleaded silently with Izzie to tell her no.

“Yeah, I did, Lizzie. I’m sorry," Izzie said regretfully. "I shouldn’t have. I didn’t have to. I got too upset, when…”

“When, what, Izzie? I don’t care to be left out any further, so please, explain to me now what happened or get out of my home! I’m tired of everyone protecting me from everything and looking at me as if I’m strange somehow! What is it?”

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