Playing Dress-up at the Theatre (pt. 5 of Derrick, Esme, Lizzie in Chrlston)

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“Right, partner!” He balled his hand into a fist, and Lizzie did the same, pounding his enthusiastically. He found himself smiling in an unfamiliar way again. Together, they went to the first chest. Ah, sailor clothes! Derrick quickly unbuttoned his fancy jacket, and Lizzie took it from him, flinging it onto the nearest pile of theatre clothes. “Oh, sir, I did not think you were ready so soon to make use of me!” Lizzie exclaimed dramatically.

Derrick blushed. “Shhh! Lizzie! The guard is outside! I don’t want my father to hear about this!”

“Oh, blast your father. Who cares!” Lizzie said, merry and irritated at once. “I was just pretending. I’ll wait until we reach our hotel room like a proper mistress, I suppose.”

Derrick was both relieved and disappointed. Wouldn’t it be fun, he thought, to make love standing up hidden amongst the racks of clothing? Surely, the guard wouldn’t come in, would he?

Derrick paused for a moment, before diving into the plain open necked cotton shirt of the pirate. He suddenly felt free; he wanted to sail the world and wind up on some foreign shore with Lizzie by his side. They would only need one or two slaves to live the simple life there.

“Oh, Derrick, help me please. I can’t wait to get out of this thing!” Lizzie enthused, turning her back to him for him to unbutton the dress and unlace her corset.

Carefully, Derrick unbuttoned the dress, fumbling with the buttons. He was sweaty. He wanted to make love to his wife right here and now in the prop house of the theatre. And who was going to stop him? He walked up to Lizzie and began kissing her back. She gasped involuntarily, as he began unlacing the corset. He brought his hands around her and squeezed below her breasts.

“Oh, sir!” Lizzie exclaimed, excited by the role she was playing.

“Shh! Lizzie!” Derrick hissed, embarassed.

“My name is Esmerelda. The Pirate Esmeralda," Lizzie stated, facing him in her pantaloons and camisole, reaching out for a sword he had not noticed until now. “On guard!” She shouted, pulling the sword from its sheath and brandishing it towards him.

“Woah, Lizzie! I mean, Esmeralda!” He put his hands in front of him, frightened. He hadn’t known she even knew how to use a sword! She looked powerful and determined as she put one foot forward and lunged towards him. Derrick dodged to the side, pushing the blade away with his hand.

Lizzie enjoyed seeing Derrick frightened and flustered. The feeling of having the power of life or death over her husband was intoxicating. But she couldn’t kill Derrick, as tempting as it could be sometimes. She’d be far too lonely in the Big house without him. She forced herself to laugh; She didn’t want her husband to know that for a moment it had become more than a game for her, and that she had really wished to do battle. And the bloomers and camisole were the perfect outfit, too--- high enough above the floor to allow easy footwork, and light enough for her to move freely about. How wonderful it would be to walk about like this all the time rather than caged in by the corset and hoop skirts and heavy, lace covered dresses! It was exhilarating! She reluctantly put the sword back in its sheath and threw it towards Derrick. She executed a few ballet steps and a pirouette before turning back to the chest. She quickly grabbed a bandanna, and tied it around her head, then threw another bandana towards Derrick. He was beside her now, rifling through the clothes, holding pants up to his waist to find the proper length and width. Finally he found a pair. He looked incredibly handsome when he turned around for her in the new pants.

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