seven - head pats

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There are things other couples will do to show affection like cook for their lover or kiss them but for Atsushi and Akutagawa, it's physical contact, like hugs or just a handhold. 

There's one type of physical contact that Atsushi likes the most though and it's probably head pats. It's a bit embarrassing but that's his favorite. 

Atsushi would be sitting on the couch reading or watching tv and Akutagawa will randomly rub or pat his head. Usually, that ends with Akutagawa sitting down and playing with Atsuhsi's hair. 

That's another thing that Atsushi loves is when Akutagawa plays with his hair, sometimes he'll braid the long pieces or just wrap them around his finger. 

Atsushi's childhood wasn't the greatest (as we all know) and any physical contact was usually painful so he loved it when people touched him nicely, like a hand on his shoulder, or like Akutagwa does, playing with his hair. 

One could say Asushi's love language is physical touch, and it probably is. 

this came from someone in the comments, @-buug 

word count: 178

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