sixteen - trans atsushi (part 1)

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Atsushi sighed, counting money was kinda hard, especially with his self-taught math skills. the education at the orphanage wasn't the greatest so he never really learned good math. it was also hard knowing that he was really far from saving up enough money for bottom surgery. 

The ADA paycheck was good and it paid fairly well but to have a legal operation in Japan was difficult. and expensive. Ryuu walked into the bedroom where Atsushi was sitting on the bed with his money spread out in front of him in neat piles.

"I'm finished up with the bathroom if you want to use it," he said as he flopped down on the other side of the bed. Atsushi only hummed in response, he seemed deep in thought so he didn't question it.

After a couple of minutes passed of Atsushi just staring at the piles of money, Ryuu decided to ask, "What're you saving up for?"

"...Bottom surgery," Atsushi replied not moving his gaze.

 "Atsushi, that's expensive, it would've been more logical for you to use some of my paychecks, I obviously get paid more,"

"No Ryuu really it's fine," Atsushi said, turning around to look at him.

"Will it make you happy?" Ryuu asked, looking directly into Atsushi's eyes.


"Do you want it?"


"Ok then I will pay for it"

"No Ryu-" he then sighed knowing he wasn't going to win the argument(yet). 



Atsushi cringed, Ryu rarely ever called him by his real name, he usually only used jinko or other pet names.

"...Yea?" he said slowly, turning around to face his boyfriend properly.

"How long have you been wearing that binder?" Atsushi heard him ask, in a tone that was not used often, only when he's serious. He flinched when he fully comprehended the question.

"Uhh" shit "...15..hours"

"jinko I know it's hard with the dysphoria but you have to be safe so, go take it off. Now." Ryuu said, his tone becoming sterner by the end.

"But I feel fine Ryuu!" Atsushi said with a forced smile.

"Oh really?"


"Ok. Take a deep breath in"


Atsushi breathed in and immediately felt sharp pain making him lean forward and grip his chest.

"Gah-" Fuck

"Yep told you, now please go take it off," Ryuu said in a soothing voice while rubbing Atsushi's back.

Atsushi sighed and finally said yes. Though he hated to say it, taking off the binder and putting on a sports bra instead did feel a lot more comfortable. He came out of the bathroom and flopped back on the couch with Ryuu. He crosses his arms and pouted, little did he know Ryuu actually found it really really cute. 


The first chance Atsushi got, he got a binder. Almost his whole life he had bonded with sports bras, bandages, and tank tops. The binder wasn't that expensive and he was able to get two sizes so he could try on both.

He did a lot of research on binding and being trans and he had it almost engraved in his memory. Even though he knew by heart how to bind properly he still kept his binder on for the entire day, he even slept in it a couple of times (by accident of course). Ryuu was always scolding him about it, Ryuu himself knew a thing or two about binding and the gender spectrum, considering that gin used she/they pronouns and used a binder sometimes. He had always been accepting of Atsushi and even when they were enemies he heard from Chuuya that he had asked Dazai about Atsushi's pronouns. Atsushi always felt safe with him (after they got along better).

ik this hc is kinda unrealistic it's just fun to think about. 

word count: 614

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