twelve - missing

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TW: abuse, kidnapping, detailed injuries 

This was it. This had to be the place Ryuu was. Ranpo had narrowed it down to three places, they checked the first two and he wasn't there so this was it. 

Atsushi climbed into the warehouse through the window trying to make as little noise as possible. He landed on the floor and looked around, his tiger senses were assertive and he could hear almost anything. 

Atsushi stepped forward and looked around more, if Ryuu was here he would probably be somewhere hidden. 

He went missing two weeks ago and the Port Mafia asked for help to find him in the second week of his absence. 

Ranpo seemed reluctant to take the j0ob but complied anyway. He couldn't figure it all out but he helped a lot. Surprisingly Dazai actually took part in this and helped find evidence and talked to the people who saw him last. 

A loud clang pulled Atsushi out of his thoughts and he whirled toward the direction the sound came from. He saw a man covered in black clothing holding a hammer and standing in attack position. The man bolted forward and swung the hammer at Atsushi's face. 

Atsushi jumped back and transformed. He knocked the guy out in a couple of seconds and looked back to where he had come from. He saw a door and a lever, he pulled the lever and the door opened. 

 There was a long hallway and dim lighting, it kind of reminded him of the orphanage...but he ignored that for right now. 

He ran forward down the hallway, and at the end, he could see another door. He flung the door open and saw him. Ryuu. Fucking finally, they had found him. He walked closer and examined his body, his coat or Rashomon was in a pile in the corner of the room and Ryu looked so beaten up it made Atsuhsi sick. 

He had cuts all over his body and his remaining clothes were torn. Bruises painted his pale skin and tiny holes were on his shoulders, from what Atsushi guessed were needles or injections. 

He checked Ryuu's neck and thankfully he still had a pulse. He called for backup and hoisted Ryu upon his shoulders and made his way out of the warehouse. 


Ryuu opened his eyes slowly, expecting to see gray bloody tiles but instead, he saw what looked to be a...infirmary ceiling? 

He opened his eyes fully and looked around as best as he could while laying down. Yep, this was definitely the ADA infirmary. 

Ryuu sat up as much as he could and gazed beside him, the jinko was sleeping in a chair right next to his bed. He looked somewhat uncomfortable so he shook him awake a bit. Atsushi jolted awake almost immediately. 

"What...What happened?" Ryuu asked, he honestly didn't remember what happened after he passed out. He didn't even remember Atsushi coming and saving him.

"You were missing for weeks!" Atsushi yelled, he seemed like he actually cared...why would he?

"Oh," Ryu responded, "They had intel and I went after them, it was a small price for information,"

Atsushi looked at him like he was crazy and just sighed and walked towards the door. 

"Wait, I have a question," Ryuu called right before Atsushi could leave. He halted at the door and looked back a bit. 

"Why'd you stay? Like why were you by my bedside?" Ryu asked. 

Atsushi gave him another look, "Because I actually do care about you, Ryu," and with that, he left, closing the door behind him. 

Ryu chuckled, Of course you do, dumdass.  

I need to stop putting hidden meanings in my fics I'm soryyyy

anway word count: 620

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