six - library noise

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"Hey, give that back!" Atsushi yelped at the man who took the book he was just reaching for on the bookshelf.

"Nope, I got to it first," He said clutching the book to his chest protectively.

Atsushi really needed that book for his science class next semester, which was in two days. He sighed and looked back to the shelf hoping that they had another copy, and of course, they didn't. Just his luck.

He looked back at the man and saw him walking away.

"Hey! I need that book please," Atsushi pleaded, standing in front of him to block his path.

He looked down at Atsushi with a judging gaze, "What makes you think I don't need this book too?"

"Nothing but I need that for my next class!"

"Well I do need it and to spite you I'm going to take it," He said smugly and he walked past Atsushi. Atsushi groaned and followed him, basically begging the man for the book.

Eventually, they ended up full-on arguing in the middle of the library. 

"Shhhhh!!" They heard from the right of them, they looked over and saw the owner fuming. They both turned their backs on each other and walked away.

In the end, Atsushi went to another store and got the book. Then next semester Atsushi realized that he now has the same class as the man and he learned that his name is Ryuu. What's worse is that he has to do a project with him. Great. 

word count: 254

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