Moving back to America

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I hope you enjoy :)

Gabriella's POV

"Bambina.......Bambina......Gabriella". It was my mama trying to get me up but I was too tired, she had told me to go to bed early last night so I wasn't tired for today, but I was up most of the night on FaceTime with my friends, I was going to miss them so very much, I was going to miss my friends, my teachers, the food and even Italy it's self. I had visited America a few time before to go visit uncle Andrew and to be honest it wasn't the best experience I've ever had, it was raining 9/10 of the days that I was there, even though I could speak English it was very difficult for me to understand everyone, but I'm sure I will get used to it. The only thing that I was excited about though was getting to see uncle Andrew more often because he is the best, he not like mama at all, he isn't strict, he lets me eat all the candy I want and he never shouts at me. However I knew we were moving to America because it is what is best for us, I only agreed to go if we could come back at least once a year to visit everyone and she agreed.

I rolled over to check my phone and read the time, it read 4:47. "Gabriella you have exactly 10 minutes to get your gluteus maximus down these stairs with the rest of your bags packed, the taxi will be here at 5am" my mama shouted. I hate getting up this early but I knew i had to get moving, so I rolled out of bed and looked out of my bedroom window for one final time, I'm going to miss this view, waking up every morning to see the ocean with palm trees swinging in the wind. I turned around and reached for the pile of clothes I had put out the night before and I slipped them on, I knew that it was going to be a long uncomfortable flight so I thought I may as well go with a pair of joggers and hoodie, I then slipped on my trainers, stuffed the rest of my things into my bag and zipped it up. I then picked it up and walked to my door, I grabbed hold of the door handle and closed it but not before I took one last look at the room I had called my bedroom for the last 10 years, damn I'm going to miss this house.

I walked down the stairs and mama was stood at the bottom, I tried to read her face but she was hard to read so I couldn't tell how she was feeling. "Are you ready Gabriella?" "Si, mama" I replied. I then walked the rest of the way down the stairs. Mama waited for me and held out her hand, I couldn't see any bags left in the house, except mine so I gathered that she had already put them in the taxi. I reached my had forward to grab hold of hers and we walked out my my childhood home. Once we got out of the house, mama locked up the door and I took hold of her hand again, we then walked down the driveway for the final time, and I turned my head just to look at the house for the last time.

Once we reached the taxi, the taxi driver took my bag  and loaded it into the boot of the car, while we both hopped on into the car. We both got seated and got buckled in. "Ready ?" She asked "ready" I replied, and with that the taxi driver started the engine, I leant on mama's shoulder and a tear rolled down my face.

We got to the airport about 2 hours later, it was early in the morning so the airport was really quite. "Mama I'm hungry" "I know bambina, so am I, but let's just get past airport security and we can get something to eat, I'll get you anything you want"
"Anything?" I asked "anything" "so even chocolate, chocolate for breakfast" she then chucked at me and replied with "si, even chocolate". I think she could tell I was upset about leaving because she hardly ever let me eat chocolate unless I've done something good or it's a special occasion. I think she also might feel a little guilty about making me move to nearly the other side of the world, so I am going to use her guilt for as long as possible. "Mama?" "Si?" "I love you". And with that she just pulled me into the biggest hug. "I love you too Ella Bella, now let's get though this security and get you your chocolate"

After some time we had finally made our way through security and into the waiting area, I was now stood at the window watching the planes take off and land while mama was sat doing some doctoring stuff on her laptop but I didn't mind because I knew that she was saving lives and I was just happy watching the planes. I turned my head around just to check to see if mama was still there, I saw that she was looking at me so I skipped over to her, putting my chocolate wrapper in the bin on my way. "Are you okay mama you were looking at me for a long time" "yes I am bambina, I was just thinking" "thinking about what" I asked "just how lucky I am too have you as a daughter, you are so beautiful and so smart and I can not imagine my life with you, you are my big baby girl and I love you so very much, when we get to our new home I'll let you pick what bedroom you want first and then we can decorate it how ever you want" "that sounds awesome thank you mama"

"Fight 828 to Seattle, Washington, USA is now boarding at gate 5" was bellowed over the load speaking. "That is us" exclaimed mama. We made our way onto the plane and sat in our seats, the briefing was then done by the flight attendants and we were ready to take off. Mama placed her hand onto my leg and I placed my hand on top of hers "are you ready to start this new life of ours" she asked "ready as I will ever be" and with that the plane took off the run way, I leant my head against mama's shoulder and fell asleep, next stop, America.

So that's my first chapter guys, I hope it you like, I apologise for any mistakes I make as although I am English I really struggle with writing, but I hope I'm getting better

I hope you have a great rest of your day :)


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