chapter 15: Annie Leonhart

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♪ Traitor - Olivia Rodrigo

♪ Traitor - Olivia Rodrigo

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chapter 15: Annie Leonhart

Hange, Levi and I walked into the conference room. Immediately, we were greeted by two blondes. I looked at Erwin, staring at us expectantly. My eyes fell upon the smaller blonde boy. He looked small and frail compared to Erwin, who had broad shoulders and a bigger build. Erwin looked like a man, Armin looked like a boy. Armin, one of the cadets, Eren's best friend. Why was he here? Why is this an emergency meeting?

"Glad the three of you could make it. Take a seat" Erwin pointed at the vacant, sleek, brown desks our nameplates neatly fitted on each desk.

"What's wrong Erwin" I said, sitting down in between Levi and Hange

"Armin and I have been discussing something important"

My eyes flicked towards Armin, he seemed uneasy. Probably nervous being in a room full of higher ranks and captains, while he's just a measly cadet with no reputation, yet.

"We're waiting for one more person" Erwin said

Just as he finished speaking, the door opened. Another familiar blonde walked into the room.

"Sorry i'm late, I encountered a minor inconvenience on my way here" Arlo said smugly

"Sit" Erwin pointed at a desk across from me, with a golden name plate Arlo Dietrich

"Yes sir"

Erwin waited patiently for all of us to situate ourselves and turn our attention towards him. Once we did so, he cleared his throat. I found it strange. The room was full of the highest ranking captains and the commander. Then, Armin sat meekly and nervously next to Erwin. Fidgeting with his hands slightly, why is he here?

"I have called this emergency meeting after Armin gave us valuable information"

"Which is..." Levi continued

Erwin turned to his left and looked down at Armin nodding at him. Armin stood up, slowly, shyly and nervously, he fidgeted with a piece of paper in his hands. He cleared his throat,

"Today I talked to commander Erwin about our expedition and encounter with the female titan"

I stiffened for a moment, keeping my composure, my facial expressions calm, but actually, I was panicking.

Armin looked at us three, then to Arlo and continued,

"I have reason to believe that someone from the 104 cadets is the female titan"

Before I could respond, Arlo cut me off.

"How do you know that?"

Erwin looked at Arlo, "This is why I called the meeting. Armin has reason to believe that the person behind the female titan and killing of our comrades is Annie Leonhart."

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