chapter 7: not you.

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♪ help herself - bbno$, diamond pistols

♪ help herself - bbno$, diamond pistols

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chapter 7: not you.
TW: Brief mention of  SA.

"Oh fuck no," Hanji laughed as they reached their arm up to me. I grabbed their arm and pulled them back up.

"You were the one that wanted to train in the first place," I laughed along with them.

"I didn't think you were gonna be this powerful," Hanji admitted.

"It's been like 2 years since we trained together, was I too easy last time?" I teased them.

"No! I mean.." Hanji raised their eyebrows.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "Oh fuck you."

"I don't want to sugar coat it, Mar!" Hanji swung my arm around.

"Mhm, yea sure."

We walked to the edge of the training grounds, and rested our backs on a wooden fence.

"We should probably take a break from all this training," Hanji rested their head on my shoulder.

"I don't know, there's like 15 more days before our expedition. We should probably get as much training in as we can." I flicked their forehead with my middle finger.

"Mar, I would much rather continue my titan experiments with Eren and abnormals than train."

I stared at them for a couple of seconds and then sighed, "Levi was right."

"Hm?" They responded.

"Hanji, you are a titan romantic."

Hanji's mouth hung open, "Well that was random." They laughed.

"No, no, I mean it. You ARE a titan romantic." I pushed their head off my shoulder.

"What the hell, you actually mean it?" Hanji punched my stomach lightly.

I held in my laughter, "Yea."

Hanji rolled their eyes and looked around watching other scouts training. I also looked back to the training grounds, watching the cadet's fight each other.

"That Mikasa girl is really strong," I stared at the raven haired girl, amazed at her incredible strength and durability.

"I know right." Hanji looked at the girl as she effortlessly beat Eren to the floor.

"Ouch." I cringed at the sight.

"Yikes," Hanji added.

"Look! The scouts are training right now!" A high pitched voice called out.

Both me and Hanji turned our heads in the direction of the voice. A group of young teenagers stared excitedly at us. Behind them, I saw a familiar bald man. The man I met 6 years ago, Keith Sadies. I tapped Hanji's shoulder and pointed at my former commandant. Hanji looked at the group of kids and excitedly stood up, pulling me up by force.

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