chapter 8: beyond the walls

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♪ ilomilo - billie eilish

♪ ilomilo - billie eilish

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Chapter 8: beyond the walls

I stumbled back, my hook just barely latching on to the tree in time. My arms wrapped tightly around the rope as I pulled myself up and on to the ledge.

"Captain! Are you alright?" Jozef propelled himself towards my tree.

"I'm fine." I gripped onto Jozef's shoulder and pulled myself back on my feet. "Where's the rest of our squad?"

"Captain Levi is down there with the rest of the squad." He pointed at the group of horses galloping in the distance.

"We need to go then." I removed my hook from the tree and jumped down, Jozef followed close behind me.

I jumped on to the vacant horse that was following the group and turned to Levi, "What happened while I was gone?"

"We were notified that a 14 metre abnormal was spotted. The titan was strange too, it had female features."

I flinched at Levi's remark, it has begun.

"The most important thing to do right now is to keep Yeager safe, make sure he does not leave the middle of the group." I looked behind me, making sure Eren stayed in between Petra and Oluo.

"That's their job not ours." Levi glanced behind his shoulder and continued.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Our job is to reach Shiganshina."

"To retake Shiganshina, we need to have Eren safe."

"Stop fighting!" Jozef caught up next to me and faced both me and Levi.

"We're not fighting Jozef." I sternly responded.

"Yea, we are having a civilized argument." Levi added.

"Argument or not you guys need to work together for our squad to function!"

"Save all the sappy shit for later Jozef," Levi spat.

"Hey, don't talk to him like that." I sneered.


"Jozef, retreat back and protect Eren."

"Yes ma'am." Jozef steered his horse into the back of the group.

"You should stop being such an ass, Captain." I looked back at Levi.

"Forget about this and focus on the mission. Avoid that abnormal titan at all costs." He replied.


Me and Levi's squad galloped through the thick oak woods.

"We're almost there!" I shouted.

After what seemed like days, countless deaths, blood, sweat, and tears, there was a spark of joy. A small spark that would mean victory for this mission.

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