chapter 6: meeting

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♪ Animal - Sir Chloe

♪ Animal - Sir Chloe

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chapter 6: meeting

Hanji, Levi, and I burst through the wooden doors that led to the conference room.

"Speak of the devil," Arlo leaned back into his chair and smirked at us.

"We were just talking about you 3, I'm glad you could make it." Erwin nodded his head and signaled to the empty chairs in the conference room. I scanned the room, searching for my nameplate. Finally, I spotted a metal object with the words, "Capt. Galliard" neatly carved into the plate.

I took a seat next to Arlo and Jozef.

"Where were you captain?" Jozef asked as I took off my cape and folded it on to my lap.

"I went outside headquarters for a couple of hours to catch some fresh air." I leaned back against my chair and lifted my legs onto the desk.

"Ever heard of manners, Marlene?" Levi eyed my legs that were resting on top of the table.

"Ever learned to shut the fuck up, Levi?" I pushed my legs off the table and sat up straight.

Erwin cleared his throat, stopping me and Levi's potential argument and pulled out 2 stacks of folders.

"Today's meeting is very important." He rubbed his light green amulet that rested on his neck and continued, "We are discussing the 57th exterior expedition that will take place one month from today."

"Sounds great," Arlo nodded.

"Is Eren Yeager here?" Erwin asked Hanji, who was seated next to him.

"Er.. no. Do you want me to go find him?" Hanji looked at the clipboard of present scout members.

"It's fine, we can have someone explain the plan to him since he isn't that important today."

"So, what are we gonna do on this expedition?" I asked Erwin.

"For this expedition, we are looking to plan a new course from Calaneth district to Shiganshina district."

"Great, another suicide mission?" Levi asked.

"Will you shut the fuck up for once in your life?" I looked at him as he sat across the opposite table from me.

"Look who's talking," He replied.

"I know when to shut the fuck up, unlike yo-"

"Enough." Erwin stood up and hit his hand against the desk making me jump back into my seat.

"Tch," Levi mumbled under his breath.

"As I was saying, we are going to find a path to Shiganshina district. With Yeager's abilities, we can possibly retake Wall Maria earlier than anticipated." Erwin nodded at Jozef as he stood up and began handing out faded, worn, pieces of light brown paper throughout the room.

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