chapter 3: cadets

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♪ Sleep Thru Ur Alarms - Lontalious

 ♪ Sleep Thru Ur Alarms - Lontalious

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Chapter 3: Cadets

"Marlene." Erwin called out as I stepped into his office.

"What's wrong?" I walked over to his desk.

Erwin placed his hands on his desk and looked up, "Nothing. Today, we are having a group of cadets join us."

"Oh?" I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed.

"Yea, they're gonna be joining us in headquarters today." He ran his hands through his slick blonde hair.

"So, why did you call me to your office?"

"Because, I want you to escort them to their rooms and show them around the headquarters."

"Why me?"

"It's only natural for a squad captain to introduce the newbies to the area. Levi isn't the friendliest face either.."

"I'll do it."

"One of the cadet's is..special, to say the least." Erwin pulled out a list. "There are 6 people joining us, their names are; Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Sasha Braus, Mikasa Ackerman, and.. Eren Yeager."


"The cadet's are here!" Someone shouted.

I walked up to the group of people, they seemed extremely young. 15 years old, maybe. Did they recruit people this young?

"Hello everyone," I waved at the new scouts, a small smile on my face. "I am captain Marlene Galliard. I'll be showing you to your rooms and introducing you to the new atmosphere"

"Yes Captain Galliard!" All of them saluted

"First, I want to get familiar with your faces. Tell me your names."

"I'm Armin Arlert" A boy with blue eyes and blond hair smiled.

"I'm Mikasa Ackerman." A black haired girl wearing a bright red scarf looked at me.

"I'm Jean Kirstein." A sandy haired guy with a cocky smile smirked at me.

"I'm Connie Springer." A short boy with a buzzed haircut responded.

"I'm Sasha Braus." A brown haired girl grinned.

"I'm Eren Yeager." A brown haired boy with bright green eyes smiled at me.

I nodded, trying to take in all the information.

I began, "This is Captain Levi Ackerman, he-"

"You brats will address me as Captain Levi. You will ALL participate in chores, and-"

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