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Y/n picked Douma up and started to carry him to the house. Asu followed behind.

*Time skip*

Y/n's POV

Okay we have arrived. But I remember Douma is a demon now. I need to take him to a cave. If I don't the sunlight will come out of these clouds. Also the dead bodies might temp him into devouring it. "I need to take Douma to a cave so the sunlight won't hit him while I bury the bodies." I said. "Okay. I'll get started on burying them. Be safe out there." Asu said.

No one POV

After finding a cave y/n came back to help Asu bury the dead bodies of her family.

*Time skip after they buried them and prayed for them*

"I'm going to go get Douma." Y/n said as she walked off to the cave.

*time skip when y/n arrives at the cave*

Y/n's POV

I crawled into the cave with my basket. I looked around and I couldn't find Douma. And I looked down to see him dig a hole. Has he turned into a mole or something? Then he popped his head up. He looked uncomfortable. "Hey Douma. I'll like to keep moving during the day so can you fit into this basket?" I said as I showed him the basket. "Remember earlier when you got bigger. But do the opposite. It'll be easier for me to carry you." I said as he crawled over to the basket.

He put his upper body in their and pushes his legs up. And he landed in the basket. He looks at me and smile. "Good job Douma! Your so adorable!" I said with a smile. I patted his head, aftzr that I kissed his forehead. He started to blushes. Adorable. I put my blanket that I brought over him. And I started to carry him back to the house to meet up with Asu.

*time skip to the house*

I finally arrived home. I see Asu sitting down. 'She's.....having a cup of tea? Where did she get that? Don't tell me she stole tea from my house?! Whatever I want to start training' I thought. "Hey let's get going. I want to start as soon as possible." I said with a plain face but little annoyed. "Okay follow me, miss attitude" Asu said. I rolled my eyes and we started running to our destination.

I'll save you Douma Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora