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- charlie (@yuckcharli) | 5 mins ago
@dream hey ;)
❤️ 💬 🔄
Dream (@dream)
@yuckcharli hey ;)
Tubbo (@TubboLive)
@tommyinnit defo flerting
     > @tommyinnit | just now
     defo flerting

3 Years Later ~
(a/n why are we going so fucking fast)

"I can't believe 3 years ago, my two best friends met. I believe 3 years ago exactly, they kissed.", George started his speech. Currently, Dream and Charlie just got married, and their friends were making their speeches. "I knew for sure that this was going to end this way. They were made for each other, and it was easy to tell. Basically the lesson is to always answer to random numbers on your phone." That got a few laughs.

Sapnap walked up to the microphone. "I remember the first time all of us hung out, Dream was falling for her, hard. He's been my friend for many years, and I cant be happier for him. Charlie, you've gotten so far since we've met. Even though our relationship is built up of bullying and insults, I love you, and can't be more proud of the person you've become."

Philza was next. "Charlie, you've been like my daughter since the first day we've met. I was that go to person you'd need for advice or help. I cant even count how many times you'd gush to me about Dream. You two are perfect for each other, and I'm so honoured to be here on your lucky day. I would also like to say to Dream, you hurt her and i'll kill you." Dream nervously laughed, and downed his drink.

"BUG!", Niki jumped. "YOU GOT MARRIED! I can't even tell you how happy I am for you two! Charlie, you could easily tell you fell in love with him during your Love or Host. When we had our date, you couldn't stop talking about him! I'm so proud of you both, and I can't imagine you guys with anybody else. I would also like to give Dream the same threat Phil did. You hurt her, I'll throw you in an alley and knock you out!", Niki winked to Dream, who looked like he was about to piss his pants. Niki and Charlie have been like sisters since the Love or Host. They realized in the middle of their 'date' that their relationships was platonic. "Have a happy life!", She finished and sat down at the table with Dream, Charlie, Minx, Sapnap, and George.

"Congrats you two!", Minx raised her glass, along with everyone else. "I'm happy for you guys!", George beamed.

Since 3 years ago, lots has changed. They have a 1 year old daughter named Lorelei, who was the cutest child who has ever walked the planet in their eyes. Dream announced George as the godfather of Lorelei, and Charlie announced Niki as the godmother. 2 years ago, before Lorelei was born, Charlie was pregnant with another child.

* flashback *

"Babe? I'm home!", Dream put the bags of groceries on the counter and ran upstairs. "Babe?", No answer. He walked into his room, taking off his jacket and throwing it onto the bed. 'Maybe she went to the mall with Niki?', he thought. Dream checked his phone, to see 3 missed calls from George.

"Hey George! What's up?", Dream paced around his room. George was yelling about how Dream missed the stream, but he let it slide at the moment because Charlie hasn't been feeling well all week. At the time, she was 7 months pregnant, with a very visible bump. They decided to keep the gender a secret, because Sapnap wanted some 'big gender reveal party'. Since George and Sapnap were in Florida at the moment, they've non stop planned it.

As George was ranting about something stupid, Dream noticed a little blood coming from underneath the door of the bathroom. The door was a tiny bit opened, so he decided to go in. "One second, George." Dreamed hushed him. He set down his phone on his desk, leaving it unmuted. "Babe? You in here?". He opened the door to reveal Charlie passed out on the floor with a pool of blood around her. "SHIT! CHARLIE?". He shook her, but no response. He quickly hung up the phone with George, after telling him to come over immediately. He dialed 911. How can I help you?", the woman spoke. "Help! My girlfriend is having a miscarriage!"

The ambulance arrived 2 minutes after, and put Charlie in the back of the vehicle. George pulled into the driveway seconds after the ambulance left. They two rushed into Dream's car and they headed to the hospital, after he explained to George what happened. When Dream arrived, he was a mess. He had blood stained on his clothes, and his hair was a mess. "I'm gonna call Niki and Sapnap.", George put a reassuring hand on Dream's shoulder. Dream nodded and paced around the waiting room.

"Hello?, Niki called on the other line.

"Niki, you need to come to the hospital. Charlie had a miscarriage."

"What?! I'm on my way!"

Niki moved to Florida a week after Charlie got pregnant. She decided to move to help her, especially with the baby coming. After calling Sapnap, George went back to Dream, who was still pacing. "Dream, sit down. Everything's gonna be okay, alright?"

After an hour of waiting, due to the business, the doctor called her name. "Charlie Alex?". Dream, George, Sapnap, and Niki stood up and ran towards the doctor. "She's okay.", the doctor started. The group's shoulders instantly dropped, relieved. "The baby didn't make it, but Charlie is going to be okay. I'll bring you all to her if you'd like.", they all nodded their heads and followed the doctor.

"Hey.", Charlie's groggy voice welcomed them. Dream sat on the bed next to her, afraid to even touch her, thinking she would break or something. "What happened to our baby?", Charlie directed her question to Dr Montgomery, who was filling out something in her chart. "You had a miscarriage, and he sadly passed away."

"He?", Dream looked at Charlie, his eyes widened. "Oh my god!", For some reason, that made Charlie more upset. The thought of a little boy running around her house, made her miss him more. They cuddled together, a pool of tears on the sheets. Eventually, George, Niki, and Sapnap went to the cafeteria to give the couple some privacy.

"Whatever happens", Dream started. "We'll get through it."

"I love you, Clay."

"I love you, Charlie."

*End of Flashback*

After the wedding party, the newly-married couple drove home, with a very drunk Wilbur and Minx in the backseat. "Has your brother called?", Dream placed his hand on Charlie's thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Oh- uh no. I guess he still holds a grudge since I chickened out of his wedding."

"You did not chicken out. You had every right to not go."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Dream pulled into the driveway, and headed to the backseat to pull Wilbur out. Charlie mirrored his actions to pull Minx out. They managed to pull them inside, and throw them onto the couch. "Yeah, I'm definitely not trudging them up the stairs.", Charlie complained. Dream laughed and grabbed a couple of water bottles, along with some advil and put them on the coffee table for Wilbur and Minx in the morning. "Momma, Daddy!", a voice called from upstairs. Schlatt came down the stairs with Lorelei in his arms. She could walk yet, and she always wanted somebody to carry her around. "Thank you again Schlatt for watching her.", Dream handed some money to him, but he refused. "She's amazing! Sorry I couldn't make it to the party, big crowd aren't my scene.", Schlatt put Lorelei in Dream's arms, and pulled on his boots. "No problem! I'm just glad you could come to the wedding! Your support means everything!", Charlie handed him his jacket and opened the door for him. They said their goodbyes, and the couple headed upstairs.

"Today was the best day of my life. I love you so much.", Dream placed a soft kiss on her forehead, and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"I love you more then you know. I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you", she melted to his touch.

'I can't believe this all started when I texted the wrong number.', Dream thought, holding his wife in his arms.

Wrong Number? [2021] | McytWhere stories live. Discover now