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Everyone had a pretty chill day. After lunch, they went to an open field where Charlie taught Tubbo how to make a flower crown. She made like 3 of them. After the field, they all went back to the Airbnb where they watched movies. They started with Frozen, where Quackity, or Alex, was belting to 'Let it Go'. After Frozen, they moved on to Frozen 2. Basically they had a Disney movie night. It was around 1:45am when they got bored, so they all went to bed. Charlie ended up falling asleep on the couch, with her legs over Minx's. Minx layed straight, with her feet dangling over the edge of the couch. Karl fell asleep on the floor, using a pillow as a blanket. (a/n every sleepover ever vibes) Everyone else slept in their rooms, or each other's.

"What time is it?", Karl rubbed his eyes. "It's 11:45pm", Charlie picked up her phone and read through her missed messages.

I'm so sorry again Charlie. I should be the one apologizing. But the thing I'm not sorry for is letting Maddie move in. I never get anything I want, Charlie. I'm marrying Maddie in a month and I want you there. Maddie said that she still needs a bridesmaid. Think about it.

What the fuck? What did he mean that he 'never gets anything he wants'? Bullshit. "You okay there?", Minx sat up, watching Charlie stand up. "Oh uh yeah."

She considered being Maddie's bridesmaid. It wasn't too crappy of an idea. She though that even though she didn't really like her, it was nice of her to let Charlie be apart of the wedding. But why would he never mention that they were going to get married earlier. They must've been planning this longer, because the wedding was so soon. "Morning.", Dream's voice echoed through the living room. Charlie was stood up near the front door, her back faced towards the living room. She didn't hear Dream come down, she just stared at Tyson's message. "Charlie?", Dream put a hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump. "Oh sorry, I didn't hear you come down. I actually need to talk to you." They two made their way up the stairs and into their room.

Charlie sat herself onto the bed, her back against the headboard and her hands folded in between her legs. Dream shut the door before sitting next to her.

"What's wrong, Charlie?"

"If it's okay with you, I'll move in.", Charlie's smile grew, and Dream shot up quickly.



"Oh my god!", Dream jumped and hugged Charlie, his arms tightly wrapped around her waist. "Only if it's okay with you.", She added. He nodded quickly, no hesitation at all. After 30 minutes of planning, they went downstairs to join everyone else. While everyone was gathering in the kitchen, Charlie stayed behind in the living room.

I'd be happy to be apart of the wedding. Let me know what I need to do. I'm leaving for Florida in 2 days. I'll fly back in for the wedding.

OMG thank you so much! I love you Charlie! The address is xxxx street. We will mail the dress to your place in Florida.

I'm only doing this so I won't regret it later. Dream's address is xxxx road.

She threw her phone on the couch and joined everyone else in the kitchen. "I told everyone the news.", Dream nudged Charlie. She hummed and smiled. "Is everything okay?" Charlie hoisted herself onto the counter. "Yeah, just Tyson and Maddie are getting married and I'm a bridesmaid apparently. They are gonna mail the dress sometime next week.". Dream looked at Charlie with pity, which she hated so she went upstairs to change.

She grabbed a white-knit sweater with black tights. Something simple. She went into the bathroom and put on some chapstick, and some false eyelashes. Charlie hated putting on too much makeup.

*tyson is calling*


"Hey Charlie!"


"Mhm! I know we've only met a couple times, so I wanted to be able to get to know my fiancée's sister!"

"Oh uh I think I'm busy today."

"Oh. What are you doing?"

"My friends flew in, we rented an Airbnb together, so we are probably hanging out."

"Yay! That sounds fun send me the address!"

"What?" God. Maddie is really getting on her nerves. She literally just invited herself.

"I gotta get to know the bridesmaid!"

"I um can't send the address, but I think we are planning on going to the mall today, so we can meet up there?"

"Awesome! Can Tyson come?"

"I guess." Shit.

"See you later bestie!"


Charlie stuffed her phone in her purse and ran downstairs. "Oh my fucking god." She yelled. All eyes peered towards her. "What's wrong?", Tubbo looked up from his phone. "Maddie. Maddie and Tyson INVITED THEMSELVES to the mall with us. How do I get them out of this?"

"Charlie, as much as I hate to admit it, you can't."

"That's not what I wanted to hear, Tubbo."

"Just let them come, and if things get too uncomfortable, we will politely tell them to leave."

"Ugh, fine."

"There you go."

"But! The girl literally asked what we were doing today so I told her, then she said 'awesome! i'll be there'. Like what the fuck?"

"Charlie, that girl sounds toxic.", Niki chimed in. Everyone hummed in agreement and pulled on their shoes. Here goes nothing.

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