Chapter 18

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"Jiyang, why did you do this? Why did you play this game with us?" James asked as yibo grabbed the gun from one of his men pointing it at Jiyang.

"Hurts right?" Fei asked mockinly.

"I only did what I thought was right. Sorry everyone" Jiyang replied James question smiling.

"No hard feelings boss" xue yang added laughing.

"If you want me to stop then kill them yourself yibo" fei said.

"We trusted you two, Sonia trusted you & this is how you betrayed her?" James asked.

"She was only a tool to complete our plans. Poor girl so naive that I almost feel pity for using her" Jiyang replied.

Sonia just looked at the ground not saying anything.

"Wanna hear something dear? You are just my replacement!!! Do you know this two idiots are the reason my family is dead? They're bad people in sheep's disguise" fei said as she kicked Sonia in the stomach.

"You asked for it!!!" James yelled, quickly pulled his own gun out & pulled the trigger. Only the bullet didn't touch fei but Josh who shielded her with his body.

"J...osh" fei stuttered as blood came out of his mouth.

"Sorry....a...b.... out earlier, I just wanted to .......stop you from leaving..... my sight......." Josh replied.

"Please..... don't go Josh... please" fei yelled.

"I love you & sorry" Josh said & with that stopped breathing.

"No.....!" Fei yelled crying like crazy.

Yibo & James just looked at Jiyang with hurt evident in their eyes.

"& Zhange?" He asked.

"Already dead!!!! Dumped his body in the wild. We could have made a fortune selling him off but things had to go as planned.....
Xue yang couldn't complete his statement as yibo shot him straight to the chest.

"Xue yang!!!!" Both Jiyang & Fei yelled as he fell on the ground.

"He's not breathing!!!" She yelled & with speed quickly pointed her gun at yibo but before she could pull the trigger, she felt a gun touch her head.

"Not so smart now are you princess" Sonia said as she pointed the gun at fei.

"But how?" Fei asked shocked.

"Kill them all" Chao yelled but his orders didn't go through as a bullet passed through his heart. He fell on the ground dead. All at ones his men dropped dead.

"What's going on? Honey careful with that gun!!! You might hurt yourself" James said as he rushed towards his wife. Hugging her so tightly.

Yibo quickly untied his brother who fell into his arms unconscious.

"Call the medic" James yelled.

"What a bunch of losers" a new voice said as he approached them.

"Cheng ge?" Both yibo & James asked surprised.

"How do you feel now fei?" Jiyang asked as he handcuffed fei who was just starring shocked.

"Bet you never expected this right?" Xue yang who just stood up asked.

"You are in on this too?" Fei asked.

"What's going on?" Yibo & James asked again.

"We will explain everything later but first let's get out of here" Sonia replied.

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