Chapter 15

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After breakfast, we all decided to watch something interesting on Netflix & make the most of what today has to offer. Yibo wasted no time in making me fulfill my last night promise & let's just say a very jelly James was the reward I got.

In all everything about today was going so well until yibo told I & Jiyang what happened the day they met this fei.

I really don't know much about her & a strong part of me don't want to. I left the guys to have some lone time of my own.

My mind is currently clouded with so many thoughts right now like how do I help in making everything right without actually hurting anybody? Am not a lover of violence! God knows I hate that word Alot but everything about James work Maybe not all the time but most part included using violence to sort things out.

"For a good course you know. The wicked aren't always as nice as you want them to be"

The small voice in my head said & in a way, it's right.

I knew very well what I was getting into the moment I said I do at the altar.I very know how much am willing to put on the line to make sure my hubby & this new family of friends I have stay safe and protected.

"God  am I doing the right thing? Should I accept jiyangs invitation? Is he even telling me the truth?" I asked myself deep down inside.

My hubby is right about Jiyang acting weird but knowing the truth puts me at the dangerous edge of things.

"What would zhange do if he was in my shoes?"

He probably would have mutilated Jiyang by now for making me stressed out on this. I really do miss hearing his voice, scoldings, & above all, I just miss him.

Seeing him like this really breaks my heart but what's done is already done. Why would fei do something like this? I still don't know the grudges she has no against the Wang household & some how I've been dodging that moment whenever that discussion comes up.

"What you don't know can't hurt you right?" I asked out loud to no one.

"It probably causes the most damage than what you already know miss" an oddly familiar voice replied my question.

Turning around, am facing xue yang the tech guy who I recently found out never leaves he's tech room or whatever he calls it

"Sorry for startling you" xue yang said as he sat down on the grass. I too did the same.

"No need to say sorry. I thought you actually never leave your tech room?" I asked him.

"Not always but I do from time to time to get some fresh air. Am human after all & don't mind the silly rumours going off about me. I don't bite" he replied me smiling.

"Na I really don't mind any of those stuff I hear at all so please, your mind can be at peace" I said to him sincerely.

"I wish I could say the same thing to your mind. What's bothering you Rosyblue?" He asked me.

"Rosyblue?" I asked surprised.

"A little bird told me you love roses Alot.So I decided to nickname you Rosy & blue because that's my favorite colour" he replied me.

"Whatever floats your boat" I Chuckled.

"How come you are not y you know watching all the actions going on with the teams on patrol?" I asked him.

"I love a good drama but not at the expense of ones sanity. What's on your mind" he asked me.

"Am supposed to make a really big decision that will definitely affect a major part of my life and those around me. I just don't know what answers to present" I replied him sighing.

"Weigh out the advantage & disadvantages of taking or not taking that decision. What do you think will happen if you don't & who or what could go wrong if you do. Map out your thoughts, visualize yourself already making a choice on how you should handle things" he said.

"That's....deep but helpful. Thanks for the advice" I replied him.

"You are welcome. You are handling everything far better than my expectations & to me that proves you are strong to make a better decision" he said.

"Can I ask you something else?" I asked.

"Go on" he replied.

"I know in some cases violence can't be avoided but is there a way to always to you know try ,& avoid it?" I asked him.

"Not Always in our line of work. Imagine a burning building with your hubby & zhange trapped in it & the only way to save them is to punch the bad guys standing at the entrance. What would you choose?" He said as he looked straight up at my face.

"I will definitely kick their butts without a second thought!!" I replied.

"That is exactly what I want to hear. We do certain things not because we want but because we have to for the greater good. One bad guy down equals a better & safer environment for our love ones & humanity as a whole" he said as he stood up to leave.

"I really appreciate you spending your free time with me" I said politely to him smiling.

"A time well spent if you ask me. Thanks for the company & if you ever feel connered, you know where to find me Rosyblue" he replied laughing.

"I will keep that in mind!! Take care!!" I yelled as he waved his hands & disappeared from view.

I quickly brought out my phone & texted Jiyang my answer smiling with satisfaction.

If this is the only way then so be it!! Sorry zhange, sorry yibo & also, sorry James.


"I still think it's a bad idea!! As much as I hate yibo, killing those close to him isn't my style of revenge!!" Fei yelled at the figure starring at her from the shadows.

"Don't you want him to feel the same pain you felt while watching your family burn down with the building? He hurt you without considering your feelings & you still want to pity him?" The figure asked.

"I know but it's just..." Fei was then interrupted.

"Your happiness lies in his destruction fei & am willing to continue helping you if only you are ready to take things to the next level. Day one is almost over & don't even think that yibo is gonna let you talk things out with him without hurting you again!!! This is a trap for you to fall in & you definitely will if you do according to what he told you" the figure added with a sly smirk on his face.

"Don't you trust me?" He asked.

"I do" fei replied.

"Then let me do the heavy lifting from here & watch him craw to your feet begging for mercy" he replied.

"I too want to get my hands dirty" fei said with a sinister smirk on her face.

"That's my baby girl"

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