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"You shouldn't have let her go just like that. What if she plans something bad? I don't want you getting hurt!"

"James you & I know that physical I want to crush her but my emotions just won't let me do that. I let her go not because I want to but because, I have to"

"Considering the fact that she's a traitor who has been spying on us & the reason why we almost lost our men. You shouldn't have let her go yibo!! What if you were still inside the building when it exploded?"

"I know James"

"You know? Give one damn reasonable reason why  you just let the traitor walk out of our mist unharmed & untouched!!!"

"She knows the truth"


James pov

"Boss!! We found them!!"

"Yibo!!!! Zhan!!" I yelled as I rushed to their side. Oh my God! This is worst than I imagined.
The drive back to our mansion was the worst I can ever imagine.

Eight hours later

"Can I speak to you alone?" The doctor & also one of I & yibos close friend asked me.

"Is it really that bad?" I asked him fearing for the worst.

"They both are out of danger that much I can tell but, Xiao zhan took most of the hit from the accident & not to mention the bullet barely missed his heart. He lost Alot of blood but that has already been taken care of. Yibo on the hand, had some major injuries due to the sudden imacpt of the car & the tree. He will be waking up any moment from now but you & I both know what is scaring me the most" the doctor known as Jiyang explained.

"I know Jiyang but I will try make sure he doesn't freak out when he wakes up" I replied him while slightly pulling my hair out of fear & frustration. What if things suddenly go back to the way it was last six years ago? It was hard enough we both got to this point where he's ok & mentally fine but now, this accident just ruin everything!!! Not to talk of my honeymoon trip. Speaking of that how do I tell Sonia that her beloved zhange & recent besty just survived a life threatening situation & are both in critical condition? Especially zhange?

"I know you are not happy with the current situation & believe me when I say am also pissed up as well! How dare they do something like this?" Jiyang yelled & punched the wall with his fist. I had to stop him from injuring himself.

"Their major plan was to kill them both but God was on their side. It angers me more seeing the two people I care about lying still with tubes connected to their bodies!!!! If anything I want nothing more than to kill the ones responsible for this but seeing breathing is enough for me to be happy at least for now. My men are already doing some serious digging Jiyang let's just wait alittle & see the results" I replied him.

"Am also worried about Xiao zhan. Like I said he took the major hit & am really worried" Jiyangs mood suddenly changed from pissed to a very worried expression.

"Me too Jiyang, me too. When will he be waking up?" I asked him.

"Definitely not anytime soon. With injuries like that it's a miracle that he's even alive at this Point & do you know what scares me the most? It's his breathing. One moment he's stable then the next he's not. He's a real fighter & I really hope he get through this. He's too good to experience something like this" Jiyang replied me.

"The few times I spent observing him before & during the wedding, yes he's been very protective of the people he cares about & also very good at what he does. Same goes to your wife Sonia. She once risked her safety to hide & save yibo from those swines & now, the brother has also used himself as a shield that protected yibo from sustaining any life threatening injuries" Jiyang added.

"They both have so much in common that I often wonder how lucky I am to have them both by my side. Especially Sonia! She's really good at what she does no matter what. I owe zhange my life for what he did today & yes am really worried Jiyang. I really pray he pulls this through & wakes up" I replied him thoughtfully.

"How are you gonna tell her?" Jiyang asked.

"About what happened? I really don't know how she's gonna take the news Jiyang especially now that everything isn't going as planned" I replied.

"I received news that she's already awake & tending to our men that were injured during you guys escape. She even cooked them a good meal"  Jiyang chuckled.

"Why didn't you tell me she's awake? What if she suddenly panicked because I was not there with her?" I asked him surprised.

"Chill bro & panicking? She's definitely stronger than she looks James. She thought I kidnapped you & punched me in the nose! It still hurts" he replied me gently rubbing his nose.

"Serves you right for not informing me that she's awake" I laughed at him.

"You better not hide thus from her James. Cause if you do, I can tell it won't end well for you" he said seriously.

"I know I have to tell her but i......" Jiyang suddenly cut in.

"She has every right to know James & how do you even plan to keep this all to yourself? Don't tell me you want to start off your very first serious moment in your married life with a lie? She's definitely smarter than you think James & by now am sure she already called their house phone & is wondering why her beloved zhange isn't picking up or why yibos phone is currently switched off. So please, do yourself a favor & tell her the truth. It's better now than later" he said.

"Ok Jiyang I will tell her" I replied slightly scared of how she will react to all of this.

"About zhange, is there anyone watching him?" I asked him worried.

"I already assigned a nurse & also some guards at the door so they will definitely notify me of anything. Don't worry" he replied me.

"Boss!!! Master yibo is awake!!!"

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