Chapter 16

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"yibo have you noticed any difference in Jiyang lately?" James asked yibo as they both are currently alone in yibos room.

"I've been to busy worrying about zhange & this fei problem to really notice any changes around me. But they're some few significant changes I've noticed so far" yibo replied honestly.

"Ever since Sonia came in he's been more lively than usual. In away am happy cause the old Jiyang is finally coming out" yibo added.

"They always spend their free time together, always whispering in the dark & just before midnight, I found my wife leaving jiyangs office!!" James said as he controlled his expression.

"We all know how much of an angel that girl is so please stop having stupid thoughts in your brain!! Yes your reaction is justified but don't you trust her? Cause I do & nothing is gonna change that fact!!!" Yibo replied.

"I do trust her more than anything but it's Jiyang am worried about. What if he's having feelings for her? Seeing Jiyang Happy again makes me happy but the reason makes me feel insecure" James said as he looked at his feet.

"I know you are scared of loosing her to anyone else but you too should know by now how much she values her life with you than anything else!! She willing married you knowing fully well what this job has to offer, she hates violence but still sacrificed her comfort just to be here with you. She loves you James" yibo replied.

"I shouldn't think nor act this way. Am really sorry yibo & somehow I think someone is trying to manipulate my mind & use it as a weapon against us" James said as he showed yibo an audio recording & pictures that was sent to his phone last night by an unknown number.

"This surely was edited & this photos are totally nonsense!! Am personally gonna kill whoever sent this nonsense to you!!" Yibo replied angry.

"You are not the only one who's ready to kill the idiot behind this. Hope you are not waiting for fei to accept our offer cause she definitely won't" James said with a serious face.

"That's why she's trying to plant a huge misunderstanding between us just to make us fight our selves!! I clearly know that she won't be accepting the deal & I might have planted a bug on her the day we met" yibo smirked.

"That's amazing!!! You really are full of surprises!!" James laughed.

"It's clear now she's working for someone & that person is definitely using her to fight against me. Poor fei thinks she's getting revenge not knowing she's being used by non other than wen Chao!!" Yibo said.

"Wen Chao? I thought he was dead?" James asked surprised.

"Obviously not & if only fei knew the truth" yibo replied.

"Day two is almost over which means tomorrow is the last day for us to know if she will comply" James said.

"She won't. Don't worry about tomorrow cause I already have her hideout surrounded. They're planning to set a trap by informing Sonia & zhanges family that they both are currently missing & the only way to find them is to get the police involve" yibo explained.

"Don't worry about that because I already called Cheng ge & told him that we both are having a small Vacation out of the country" yibo added.

"Her mum & dad called me yesterday & I told them not to worry that everything is alright. I even sent an edited photo of us having a blast at our supposed honeymoon" James replied

"That's good to hear" yibo chuckled.

"The main target is Sonia & zhange. Since they can no longer get us through their family then they will definitely use them as a bait to lure us out. Zhange is still in a coma & isn't showing any sign of waking up soon. The spy in our mist is definitely the key to finalize the succession of their mission. They're monitoring our every move & probably planning on getting them at a cool hour once we let our guard down. I already told xue yang to take charge of their protection & some private guards to protect & make sure Jiyang doesn't do anything stupid that will get him killed " yibo added.

"You are right & most times I wonder how much he has changed. He has grown so mentally matured that most times I miss the cute childish Jiyang Alot" James sadly replied.

"Even I too worry about him but the best we can't force him to open up to us. I've failed in my duty as a brother to him & the one thing that's giving me joy right now is the fact that he's slowly but surely opening up to Sonia"yibo said.

"You are the best brother anyone could ever ask for yibo & you haven't failed anyone so far yibo. Don't blame yourself. We are a family not by blood but by a bond even I can't explain. Let's just wait for him to open up on his own & with my sunshine around, am sure he's gonna open up soon" James replied with a genuine smile.

"My sunshine? Cute" yibo said as he laughed at James pink ears.

"Stop teasing me!!" James yelled at him while covering his ears.

"With your luck, am not stopping anytime soon" yibo replied with an innocent voice.

"Um...yibo, so far your plans are great but what about wen Chao? He Clearly must have a backup plan if anything goes wrong" James asked.

"You are right" yibo replied with sudden realization.

"While dealing with fei why don't know strike from the top? If we can get the big guy the little ones will definitely surrender. Maybe not fei cause I suspect she has her own deferent agenda which we all know. What bothers me more is the spy. What if they're more than one? We recently didn't receive any new recruits so am sure that person has been with us far longer than we think" James said.

"I really haven't thought this far" yibo replied.

"Let's play the game with a more sinister approach" James said looking scary.

"Which is?" Yibo asked.

"Let's make her come to us"

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