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There was a chattering, barking noise echoing in the passage. They were outside the castle now, outside its protection and very, very close to the living stone it rested on.

Kai stretched his fathers sword out in front him, one hand holding the sword, one handing shining the light ahead.

How far is it to this inn? Abigail asked.

About five minutes from here, said Kai. Not far.

Itll be too far if those things attack, said Finn nervously. He was at the back where there was the least light. And I seem to be bleeding here, he said, sounding surprised.

What?! Kai and Abigail both turned. Wrap that up, quickly, theyre kraiks, theyll smell the blood and attack!

I dont have anything ta wrap it up with. Finn clutched his arm, but the blood seeped through.

Here, said Abigail, pulling a sash from her dress. At least this stupid dress will be useful for something. She wrapped Finns arm quickly. Fortunately, it wasnt his sword arm, so Finn kept his sword up as they descended yet more steps and came out into the main passage.

The shadowy figures had kept away from the light and Kai was beginning to hope that, whatever they were, they would stay away from the main passage of cut stone.

Together they went through that passage as quickly as they could, but they were about half-way down when barking noises increased and they were suddenly surrounded.

A host of the small creatures swarmed out of the passage in front and behind them. They were lizard-skinned, squat and powerful looking beasts that walked on two legs but had a mismatched tangle of limbs on their bodies that seemed to be a mixture of arms and tentacles. Their faces were wedge-shaped with frills of skin coming off their jaws and around the back of their head. All of them were armed with stone axes, and many of them carried sharp stones in their tentacles as well.

Well have ta cut our way through, Finn said keeping his sword between him and them.

Abigail bent down and scooped up a large rock in each hand.

Let me try talking to them, Kai said and then louder to the creatures he said. I am Kai of Conway, son of Bryn of Conway, will you let us pass?

The creatures screeched and barked and charged at them.

That means no! said Finn as he swung his sword at the first of the beasts on his side. At least here they had the light of glow stones in the wall to fight by. Kai kept his stone open in his hand and shone it into the faces of those that charged him. They didnt like the light and it made them pause just enough that he could cut through them.

Keep moving towards the inn! he shouted, chopping at any axe or stone that was raised against him and trying to make headway. He had to move fast, keep cutting blocking and swinging, there were so many of the creatures. The fire that had afflicted the pixies the other night at the barrow seemed virtually non-existent here. Something was different, whether it was because they were underground, or because it was out of power, he couldnt tell. Whatever it was, the sword was just a blade right now.

Between the two boys Abigail was using any stone she could find and hurling it at the creatures over the boys shoulders with deadly accuracy.

Kais arm was tiring quickly. Adrenalin kept him going for a while, but his sword arm couldnt keep this up for much longer. His light was forcing them back and his blade chopping through, but there was still a long way to go before they got near the stairs that would lead them to the inn.

Finn cried out in pain. Two of the creatures had got under his sword and were biting his arm. Abigail used one of her rocks to bash at the creatures heads, but others saw the gap in their defences and swarmed in. Kai turned to help, but the creatures in front of him immediately renewed their attack and he had to give up trying to help Finn and defend them from the front. It was no good anyway, the passage was too narrow.

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