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The next hour was something of a nightmare for Kai. The guards kept the hood over his head as Wraiths voice came from his side. Some of the guards had tried to stop her from walking with them but hadnt succeeded. Wraith was too much for them to handle on a good day, and tonight she was angry.

Listen, Kai, you are going to be tied to the judging post outside the city walls and left till sunrise. If you are still alive at sunrise then you will be considered innocent of the charge of sedition that Edward is cooking up for you.

No one can be seen to help you without risking instant execution for interfering with the course of justice. I cannot be there to help you with this one, but I will do what I can.

They came to a halt somewhere and a guard ordered Kais armour removed. That meant that they had to take the hood off and Kai saw that they were in a guard room designed for holding prisoners. There were chains and manacles on the wall and a large table in the middle.

Wraith was stood next to him glaring at the guards and telling them off for anything and everything that caught her eye. She was clearly upset and Kai noticed again that she looked younger when she wasnt concentrating.

Hes injured, The guard that had been removing his armour and surcoat stepped back.

Wraith swore. That viper! Ill skin him alive! You! she pointed at one of the guards. Inform Steward of Camerons villainy.

The guard was tough enough to look to his commander for approval before leaving. Wraith immediately stripped off Kais practise armour, surcoat and shirt. Demanding water and a clean cloth she wiped away the extra blood and then pulled a needle and thread from the folds of her cloak.

Im sorry, Kai. If I leave you to get my ointments I wont be able to get back through all the guards to you and an open wound is a death sentence outside the walls at night. Even so, you will have to keep it hidden once Ive stitched it.

It was several painful minutes before she had cleaned him up and stitched the cut to her satisfaction. Kai had to concentrate really hard not to cry out each time the needle bit into the tender edges of skin next to the cut.

Kai felt faint and ready to vomit by the time she was finished. It was just then that Sir Boyd arrived in the guard room scowling.

Who ordered the third watch back into the forest? he demanded, looking around the room at the guards.

The king commanded it. One of the Guards with a cleaner surcoat than the rest answered. The captain received a message just as the boy was brought here.

Kraiks alive! Its gone dark, man! The kraiksll be starting to hunt! Does the king want them dead?

The guard shrugged. You dont question the king.

Its about time someone did. I will not lose six of my men on the kings whim! Sir Boyd only seemed to notice Kai and Wraith then. Forgive me, Lady. I did not see you there.

Theres nothing to forgive, Sir Boyd. I hope your men return in one piece.

Thank you, my Lady, he looked down at Kai and Kai could see the pity in his eyes. Stay still as you can through the night, breath slowly, dont fear them and those that will do you harm wont even see you.

Im afraid its a bit late for that, said Wraith, showing him the recently stitched wound.

Uthers balls! Theyll smell him out a mile away. Did Edward do that to him?

No. It happened during the match.

Kai had recovered enough to speak. Camerons sword had a blackened edge to it. Im sorry, Wraith, I know I wasnt supposed to get noticed, but I couldnt. If Id let him win, Id, I mean hedI mean I couldnt let him win. Sorry.

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