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The morning after, Kai rose and rubbed sleep out of his eyes just as the cock crowed. There was still a morning chill in the air and a cool feel drifting through the barracks shutters. He was surprised to find that he was the last one to pull himself off his palette and start looking for the bathroom.

When he got back to the attic room, clean clothes had been laid out for every fosterling at the end of their beds. They were all the same, a pair of plain grey trousers, a white, soft cotton vest and two dark grey shirts, one short sleeved, like a t-shirt, the other long sleeved and made of thicker material. Next to these were the gold coats of Conway.

Everyone was chatting and wondering what would happen today. Geoffrey was saying how amazing Edward was with that terrible kraik but being ignored by the rest. Kai did his best to join in, but his mind kept turning to the idea of finding the prophecies.

They were just finishing getting dressed and putting on those surprisingly comfortable boots when Karel came in.

"Good. You are awake and dressed," there was something about the way he said it that made Kai turn first and see the anger on his face. "Steward wants Merlin to face Yorvik out in the courtyard in five minutes."

"Wi no food?" Finn choked.

"Steward wants you before you stuff your soft bellies full of food. Personally, I would not give you a grain. Five rings! I dont know who it was, but if I find out, I will feed you to the kraiks myself!

Is five rings bad? asked Geoffrey.

Five rings is five victories! Karel snapped. You have three training sessions today, so how many can you earn back today? Even if you win all your sessions, do the best you can do, we will still be down two rings. Do better!

Karel left, his strong features creased with anger and frustration.

Kai pulled on his second boot and hurried to get the rest of them into the courtyard. His stomach knotted in guilt when Finn pulled him to one side.

I hope that was important, whatever it was you were doin last night. Cause I dunnie want to be a part o the group that loses Conway the shield.

It was important, sorry, said Kai.

S good enough fur me, but the others might not be ya best friends fur a while.

When they got out into the courtyard Yorvik was waiting. Kai realised with a sinking feeling that Yorvik was the name of the first years from Gwrych and there, standing in the middle was Cameron, laughing at some nasty joke.

When he noticed the six boys from Conway arriving in the middle of the field, Cameron smiled wickedly. "Arms practice." He leered at Kai "Fancy a beating, frog-features?"

"I wouldn't put money on it, princess."

Cameron lunged forward at the insult but was stopped by the arm of a bigger boy in black. "Save it for't lesson," the boy hissed.

Shaking himself free, Cameron backed off snarling. "That's twice you've pushed the limit, toad, you'll not do it a third time."

Steward came out of one of the smaller buildings that leant against the main castle wall and stood glaring at them. It didnt take more than a couple of seconds before all the boys realised he was waiting for them. As they trotted over to him they saw that several different types of weapons were leaning against the wooden building along with six pells. The pells were hard wooden posts about 6 feet tall that were used to practice sword manoeuvres on. Kais dad had one in the back garden and Kai had been made to practice his moves on it many times. It was comforting to see something familiar.

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