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Llewellyn flicked open his palm light, groaned and slumped against the far wall. I see the door magic still works then. I thought old Tranweiyth had done for it, but it seems all good again. So, he turned to Kai, you really him?

Kai just nodded, thinking about the battle raging outside and how silent it was in here now. Thinking about the promise he had just made and how to keep it, realizing that some part of him now accepted who he was and was ready for it, wanted to be the person, the prince, people thought he was.

Ha! Llewellyn laughed, a short sharp laugh that made him wince and clutch his side.

Are you hurt? asked Kai.

Couple of broken ribs when that monster grabbed me. Thought that was it for me, till you came out all princely and commanding. Id heard that Bryn had the power to command the kraiks, never thought Id see it myself.

Theyre not kraiks, theyre the children of the forest.

Same difference to me. When youre out in the forest most of em, magic born or forest born will try to kill you these days. That makes them kraiks in my book.

Not to them, said Kai, his mind staying on the fight outside.

Llewellyn shifted around again and winced as he tried to find a comfortable sitting position.

Look at us both, he said. Me bashed and broken, you bleedin out dragons on the floor. When did you have time to draw a dragon?

What? Kai looked around, confused. Sure enough, a bit further in the barrow, on the large stone that made up the floor of that part of the chamber it looked like someone had painted a dragon on the floor. I didnt do that, he said.

Course you did, Llewellyn replied. Cause it werent there when we came in, were it now? And I dont generally do pictures in princes blood. He frowned suddenly. Im sure Ive heard that before? Oh yes, he smiled satisfied. Belarans Ballard. Good song that.

As Kai stared down at the hand-sized picture of the dragon, the same dragon that had marked the doors to the whispering ways, Llewellyn began to gently sing:

And when the prince was all undone

The maiden wept and cried anew

And cried the stones to rise anon

And make aright

And make aright

Her loves bright wounds and heal him true

Then took the stones of princely blood

And drew a dragon from his life

And raised that beast to vanquish good

And make aright

And make aright

The dark knights deeds and end this strife.

The Prince awoke betombed, alone

The ground around him stacked with jewels

But all was dust, an empty throne

Without his love

Without his love

But left with treasures made for fools

Llewellyn stopped. Oh, see now I cant remember the next bit. Is that where he goes and fights the red dragon made from blood and stone or where he rescues the maiden from the mountain prison?

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