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The day turned into night and as the night drew on the smells from the kitchen below filtered through the whole castle. Henny could be heard shouting orders to the serving wenches, the cooks, the cooks boys and anyone else who dared set foot in the kitchen with or without good reason.

As far off as the Glyndwr courtyard, Kai could hear the odd shout echoing through the rocks and breathe in the pungent odours of roasting meats, pies, vegetables and cakes. It seemed that everyone below the level of the main keep was busy with something, decorating the hall, preparing the entertainment, cleaning and carrying and scrubbing and hub-bubbing around the place.

He wondered if the same amount preparation had gone into their welcoming feast just two nights before. But then that feast has just been for the children, this time many of the realms liege Lords would be attending, some of whom had children in the summer programme.

Earlier in the day, Abigail had been sent off to Lady Fair to learn how to be a waitress and Kai had spent the rest of the day sparring with swords under the watchful eye of Steward. Merlin and Yorvik had been kept away from each other on other sides of the courtyard and Steward had shuttled between the two.

The knights had arrived at the castle after lunch, but Steward refused to let the children go and watch the procession of knights and soldiers arrive. They heard the trumpets and the cheers, but nothing more.

A couple of hours before dinner was due they were all told to go and soak in the bath houses of their castle barracks, stretch, rest and oil their melee armour before the contest. Kai and the rest of Merlin were sat on the benches outside the front of the castle barracks oiling the hard leather breastplate that had been fitted to him at lunchtime. The Yorvik boys were doing the same thing by their barracks, except for Cameron, who was paying a castle servant to clean his whilst he went through some complex stretching and demonstrating moves to the other boys of his watch on one of the pells near their barracks.

The peacock is strutting whilst the dogs clean its mess, said Saladin pointing at Cameron who was practicing a five-point close attack with his gleaming short sword.

Maybe hell be too tired to do me serious injury when we fight, said Kai.

Finn let out a short sharp laugh. Not likely, he said. Youll be all right though, Im told Master Healer Nuel will be on hand to mend your broken bones, and if youre too banged up youll just have to beg the Lady Wraith for a bit o land magic to fix ya.

Thats great. Really great. Kai slumped in his seat overlooking the court. There is no way I can win, said Kai, watching the horribly accurate strokes of Camerons blade. It wouldnt be hard to obey Wraith, he just wished he didnt have to lose to Cameron and let the rest of Merlin down to do it.

Just try not to make a fool out of yaself in front o the king and his best mates, said Finn.

And learn to duck, said Saladin sagely as Cameron chipped the top of the pell off with his sword.

The castle children were seated at the farthest end of the hall, they were the lowest of the low that had to be seated first and served last. That meant they all had to arrive at the hall half an hour early and endure the next thirty minutes with nothing to do but think about the tasks they all had to perform following the main course.

The hall was magnificently decorated with bright banners showing heraldry from all over the island and some from other countries. Kai smiled when he realised that he actually knew where some of the colours were from – it seemed like the heraldry lesson wasnt such a waste of time after all.

The fires in the several hearths around the hall burned bright and were complemented by a mix of burning torches in the wall and the white glow of strips of stone. The ladies and gentlemen entering from the main doors wore many different types of clothes from simple but expensive gowns, to elaborate, cheap and gaudy dresses. Many of the ladies were decked out in various types of jewels set in necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings and circlets. Long and flowing sleeves seemed to be the fashion among many of the men and women and Kai wondered how anyone could eat in such things without getting food all over them.

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